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Do you know that feeling when you meet a person and the connection is so strong that you just know that it will last a long time? What about the feeling that there is something more to whole thing? I know that life is supposed to be spent rhythmically and slow paced, but with Riley I wanted things to be spent fast paced and experience-filled. There was just something about her.

Maybe it was the way she grabbed my hand so gently when she dragged me onto the dance floor to dance with her. Maybe it was the habit of her tilting her Converse clad feet into each; the left tip of one of the shoes resting easily upon the right. Or maybe it was just her beautifully accented voice when she whispered in my ear. Or was it everything about her?

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Sitting down with Riley by my side at one of the candle clad tables set up around the dance floor, we watched others dance to the upbeat song together; our knees bumping each other. But to Riley's unawareness, the people on the dance floor weren't the only things I was watching.

Her reddish brown hair cascaded down her back pin straight, hiding the pattern of the dress she was wearing. Her light blue eyes glimmered in the dimming dance floor. My eyes trailed the length of her jaw bone; sculpting her face perfectly.

As soon as my eyes rested upon hers, she turned her head towards me and smiled. Smiley Riley, I thought to myself. Her smile was perfect. The way she smiled with her mouth and her eyes dragged me in everytime.

Suddenly, a new song came on over the loud speakers; She Is Love by Parachute. Riley got up and put her hand out to me. "Can I have this dance?" She asked.

Grasping onto her hand, I said, "Of course."

I took the lead and began taking us to the center of the dance floor where a grand chandlier twinkled from above. When we were directly underneath it, Riley drapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her waist; we were so comfortable around one another.

We swayed back and forth with the majority of the other couples on the floor. Whilst, I looked around at everyone else Riley looked at my face. I felt bad for not looking at her, but I didn't want to let myself do anything that I would regret later on. Hell, if I kissed her now would she still like me?

By the time the song got to the second verse, I had stepped onto Riley's feet three times and each one with a shriek from Riley and looks from nearby surveyors. Every time I apologized about 10 million times, but Riley just brushed it off and continued to dance.

When the bridge came up, Riley rested her head on my chest and I was a little shocked. To be honest, I've never actually had a girl lean her head on my chest other than my mum or Nonna. Even as foreign as it was to me, I went with the flow and played along.

I ran my hand over hair and then placed it back on her waist. She turned her head upward to look me in the eyes. She smiled at me and I smiled back. There was a twinkle in her eye when she looked into my eyes. It was like the North Star was in her eye.

We continued to stare into each others eyes deeply. Each eye had a different fleck of a story to tell and they were so interesting. I wanted to know so much about this girl, but if I pushed it to far would she ever come back?

I wanted to kiss her so bad, but just the thought of kissing scared me a little bit. I haven't actually been kissed by another girl in my entire life and now that I'm 17 that fact about me just seems so much more embarassing. I didn't want to be a bad kisser! What if I kissed Riley and she thought I was bad and she didn't want to friends again? Fuck me!

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