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Do you know that feeling when you think you know someone by their face but in reality you have no idea who they are? Or that strong attraction to someone because they look like someone you should know? When I laid my eyes on the girl on the right side of the steps this morning with the new girl, this is exactly how I felt.

Now I am not much a creeper when it comes to people I go to school with, but today I felt I needed to find out some information about this girl Grace.

Every period I went into, she was there sitting in the back trying her hardest to look like a good student when she wasn't actually paying attention at all. Everytime I looked over my shoulder at her she seemed dazed and out of her own head, yet there was a side to her that seemed so....determined.

As recess flew by with an extremely gay acting Jai, my eyes still lingered to her as she listened to her iPod without a care in the world. Alright, you can call me a creeper, but there was something about her.

Walking into seventh period, there sat Grace at the desk right next to mine in the back of the room. This was finally the chance that I got to talk to her; the only period where I wouldn't be hassled by any of the boys about talking to her.

She twirled her pencil around her fingers as we were waiting for the teacher to arrive. When twirling it got old, she began busting out a beat on the desk top as if she were in her own little world.

Interupting her little jam session, I said, "That's quite a beat you got going there."

She stopped playing with her pencil, turned her head and smiled at me.

"I'm Luke, by the way." I continued.

"Grace." She said looking down at her hands which were fiddling with the pencil again.

When she looked up from her hands she realized I had been watching her so she placed the pencil on the desk and brought her hands to her lap again.

"Is that a nervous habit? Trust me, there is no reason to be nervous around me." I said looking over at her as her eyes connected with mine.

"Ah nah, I'm just really into music so it literally radiates out of me and it tempts me to do something with a beat."

"That's cool. So are you new to Penola?"

"I came to Penola 3 weeks ago."

"But you weren't in this class before?" I said as more of a question.

"Yeah my uhm dad chose all these classes for me to take when I was already a week into school and they still needed to work out my schedule so here I am now." Grace said as the teacher entered the room.

"Welcome to another day in the land of paradise." I whispered whilst nudging her. She giggled back.

The last period of the day passed by as I began passing notes with Grace during our teachers lesson about public speaking.

       The Notes

       L: How's learning about public speaking working out for you?

       G: Turning out to be a real royal pain in the ass :)

       G: Oh and by the way, passing notes in class!!! Not highly to look upon Luke!

       L: You're partcipating in them too and beside I am a badass

       G: Hmmmm doesn't surprise me that you think that. ;)

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