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Once we finished filming, Beau drove us home so we could get ready for the BBQ/party. On the car ride home we made small talk about the party and finally got onto the topic of people we were inviting.

"Well, I told the girls to meet us there in 30 minutes and I told Tyla, Andrew and Lee as well." Beau said.

"And I invited Sarah." James added.

"What about you Skip? I thought you were going to invite that girl you were talking about." Jai said.

"Oh Amber? Yeah, I could invite her, but I have to go to her house."

"Alright, well when we get back, I can give you a lift there." Beau offered.

"I can walk."

Beau just shrugged from the drivers seat.

By the time we got home, it wasn't soon after we got out of the car that I started walking to Amber's house. I was pretty excited not just to invite her but to see her face again. Ever since the day that I met her, she has been on my mind and I couldn't get her out. I close my eyes and her smile still lingered. I go to sleep and it takes forever me to drift off into a slumber without her crossing my mind. I was falling and falling very hard at that.

Remembering ever twist and turn of the path to her house, within 15 minutes I was half way there and moving at a steady pace.

The closer and closer I got her apartment building, the bigger and bigger my smile got. Just the thought of seeing her again and hearing her voice sent shivers through me.

As I rounded the last bend, I saw two cars parked out in front of her house. Walking a few meters closer, I realized that they were 2 police cars. The flashing blue and red lights weren't on and I could see that the police officers weren't in the cars as well.

A million question ran through my head. Was Amber alright? Are her parents ok? Did something big happen?

Getting closer to apartment building, I crouched behind a bush when I saw that there was 2 police officers and a woman in a matching jacket and skirt talking to Amber outside on the front porch. Amber stood there with her arms crossed across her chest and she was nodding furiously. Every now and then a tears shined on her cheek everytime her head tilted to the ground.

The 3 grown ups finished talking to Amber and left her to sit on the front porch step, head in her hands while they went back inside. I watched her from behind the bush, frozen in shock at what could be going on. I finally regained my courage and got up and began to slowly walk to the mini garden next to porch. I watched each step of my foot so that if I stepped on something it would give me away.

When I got closer to her, I just looked at her as convulsions of tears raked her body. I heard her mumbling something to herself but I couldn't make it out. When she had finally stopped shaking, I stepped even closer to her.

"Aye." I said, gently.

Amber didn't look up when I began talking to her. After 30 seconds, Amber replied. "...Hi..." The way she said it ssounded so painful and hurt. Her voice was raspy and barely audible from crying.

"Wha-what's going on?" I said, stumbling over my own words.

Amber still hadn't looked up at me, but her head swiveled away from my direction.

"Amber please. Please tell me what's wrong." I continued, pleading with her.

What I was about to see, I never would have guessed. When Amber looked up at me, the sight shocked me. Over left eye was a new purple and blue crescent shape forming. In a few spots, blotches of red circled the crescent; signifying it was a bad and bloody black eye. Deep scratches were all over her face; extending from her forehead to her neck. Her bottom lip was bright pink and very fat. Along with all the injuries, tears crisscrossed on her cheeks, shining when the dull sun shines through the clouds.

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