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"Where's Daniel?" I said, moving the curtains aside to look to see if he was coming.

"I tried calling him, but it keeps going to voicemail. Should we leave without him?" Luke offered.

Turning away from the window to face the boys on the couch I said, "Yeah, he knows where it is. If he comes around, he can get a lift from someone."

We continued to wait another 15 minutes for when Alex, Grace and Riley got here. I was so beeping excited to hang out and talk with  Alex again. I would never tell the boys this, but I think I was actually beginning to like her. She stayed in my mind constantly from the time I went to bed to the time I woke up in the morning. It was just the little things about her that go me happy.

When we heard the obnoxious sound of a car horn, I got and went to the window to find out that the girls were outside in a cherry red convertible. I walked over the front door to go outside and meet them while the rest of the boys followed.

As soon as I walked out the front door, I could hear music blaring from the car and each of the girls had their arms up in the air and danced in their seats. Normally, a guy would look at ALL the girls in a red covertible, but for me I was only set on the one with the ginger hair; Alex.

The way her hair billowed in the window and the way she smiled while she lip synced to the song playing was very...hypnotive.

Instead of just standing their like a jackass, I made my way over to car. When I got there, I leaned against the driver side door and said, "Hey babe!" over the blaring music.

Alex swiveled her head over to me whilst the tips of her hair brushed my arm. She turned the volume down and smiled up at me.

"Sorry, we were just getting our inner party animals out to play." She said.

Grace stood up in the back seat and waved her hand in the air and tried her best to get everyone's attention. "I would like to make an announcement! Us three girls have just become the 3 DICKATEERS so beware of your uhm lower region. Thank you, that is all!" We all burst out laughing before she even sat back down.

As soon as the boys were talking to the other girls Alex said to me, "Thanks for inviting us. Sorry, for uhm Grace's little outburst. She's a bit....out there."

"No worries. And you're welcome. I actually just wanted to talk to you about som-"

Before I could finish, I was interrupted by Luke. "Don't worry Grace! I'll use my Spiderman skills to get into the car."

"Luke! If you damage this car my dad will whip your ass!" Alex said.

We all watched as Luke got a running start and hopped into the convertible whilst cooly slinging his arm around Grace in the back seat. Everyone was laughing.

When everything calmed down, I suggested that we head off the party destination where we were meeting a few family and close friends.

The whole way there, Alex drove behind my mum's car jokingly trying to bump into it. We swerved back and forth as she began trying to pass me, but I always intercepted and blocked her. The whole way there we were doing the same trickery.

As soon as we got there and parked, everyone was mesmerized by the view. The party location was on a lake resort that could be reserved for parties and shit. Overlooking the parking lot was a dock with mini canoe boats floating carelessly in the water and neck to the dock was where the water from the lake crashed onto the mounds of sand. It was so peaceful.

"It's beautiful." I heard a a voice say from behind me.

I swiveled my head backward to see Alex approaching me. As she came near, my eyes widened as I saw what she was wearing. Tan and white striped shorts clung close to her body as a gray tank top billowed over them revealing a little bit of skin over her stomach. Her hair billowed underneath a red and black SnapBack and she wore night black RayBans along with red converse. ( ).

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