Never forget (discontinued)

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Never Forget 1-4

[Vote if you want to know wha Milo looks like :D]



"Don't forget me Jenny, I promise to write and call you!" my best friend Milo cried trying to escape his fathers arms. "I promise!!!" He started wailing as his father tightened his grip on Milo. I felt tears slid down my cheeks, this was it. We might never see each other again after this "Milo don't forget me!!" I cried as my mother forced me in the car. Once I was in I couldn't get out, "Jennifer stop this!"Mom fussed but then collected herself and told the chauffeur to drive. I pounded on the glasses and cried my heart out. My mom grabbed my hand and forced me to sit down. Tears welled up in my eyes as I whispered, "Never forget me Milo."

Years went by and my contact with Milo lessened and lessened by the years. I was 18 now and today was the day him and I were separated. I knew possibly he couldn't remember me, how could he? It has been 12 years and I myself couldn't really remember him. The memories of him and I always remained with me. I remembered how when I was 5 and he was that he lost interest in playing barbies with me and Milo always said his GI Joe doll was a action figure, I would always tease him about it and he would make GI Joe fight barbie to the death. I sighed at that memory, it always made me smile when I pictured his flustered face when I teased him.

I knew in my heart we probably weren't the same. I wasn't that little girl anymore, no I was a woman now. My freckles disappeared; my hair was no longer blonde but Burnett with a slight natural curl to it. My eyes remained that same navy blue color that darkened when I was angry. My lips were a light pink color that made my lightly tanned skin seem radiant... For some reason. My child body evolved into a woman's figure, I was rather petite, which never Matched my Tom boy attitude. Mother always nagged at me to wear girly clothes instead of my usual ripped jeans, gray tee, baggy sweat shirt and baseball cap. I wasn't that little girl who liked pink dresses and frilly girly stuff, no I was the girl with the attitude with looks to match... Sorta. In school no one crossed paths with me, no one dared to even look me in the eye fearing I would target them. Boys were intimidated by me so that resulted in me never having a boyfriend. Who needs em? They're all perverts who just want in my pants for status. Many tried all of them failed, and had their balls chopped off. Nah i lied but I would do it in a HEARTBEAT... Just kidding I'm not that stupid. But it never hurts to threaten them with words and a sadistic smile.

I was sitting brushing my hair when my mom slammed open my door and gave me a loud announcement,

"Jennifer!!!! I got GREAT NEWS!!!! Guess who's coming to town and joining YOUR school? GUESS GUESS!"

"um... Johnny Depp? No wait he's too old... Um... The guy from hunger games? Uh..." My mom must've gotten impatient because she blurted it out and what she said almost killed me.

"M-Milo...? Are you sure mom?" She nodded excitedly and jumped on my bed. She was always weird like this, heck she's like a big kid!

"Yup him and Rose is coming tomorrow, she just phoned me and told me. I can't wait!" I rolled my eyes and set down my brush to join her on jumping on my queen size bed.

"Don't you both are a little too excited? Do I need to put you both in timeout? To calm those haywire nerves?" My father spoke entering my room. I giggled and flopped on my bed, "Nah we got good news and it made us wanna jump on this bed here." I pointed to the bed. My mom smiled and ran to my father. He caught her and held her close, I always admired my Fathers love for my mother, he told Me it was love at first sight, do I believe it? Of course!

"Well anyway Jennifer, Milo is gonna also be our next-door neighbor." My mother squealed and jumped on my dads back, he sucked in a breath and stabilized her. I rolled my eyes and stretched out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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