Some good things uncontinued

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Some Good Things

They say all good things come to an end at sometime and sadly it's true, I've lost a lot in my lifetime; family, friends, past loves and myself.

Sometimes I wonder what would have had happened if I didn't accept the witches offer. To become immortal. Maybe I would have married and had a nice family of my own.

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to die. Is it peaceful? Does your soul move on and become attached to another body? Do you only see darkness? Or do you see those pearly white gates of heaven. But of course, we all know I'm not going to heaven. I'm so going to hell for all my sins. The big guy probably is scowling above me and wondering how I should die.

Now if some of you are wondering I'm about 3,000 years old and I'm in fact not a vampire.

How am I immortal? Well... A long Time ago there was the yellow fever epidemic and many died. My parents included became a victim of the fever. I was a young girl about 16. When they died they left me their money which was around 100,000. Lets just say my parents made a mighty fine living. But anyway I was strolling to the market one day and ran into a elderly witch doctor. I was 18 at the time When she offered me youth and beauty forever and to never die. I was young and naive still and being that I took up her offer. She knocked me out and then I woke up sometime later. I didn't feel as though anything had changed so I kept living my life, simple and sweet. That was until I turned 26 I noticed I wasn't changing. My face didn't get any wrinkles and my skin remained youthful and radiant.

I regret listening to that woman. I had to watch my loved ones die off while I stayed young. Only three people knew of my youthful curse; My first husband, my boyfriend that I had in the late 1800's and then the old woman.

My first lover died of a unknown illness that we know now. He was the sweetest guy I've ever knew at that time. We were planning for a family soon but that dream died when he died. His name was William.

My boyfriend however did not die. He just randomly disappeared and never was found or came back. He was the towns 'bad boy' back then. A bad boy in the 1800's usually just wooed girls and had meaningless sex with them. He bedded them and left 'em, until I came. I needed to relocate myself and I found myself coming to a small town in Ireland. He tried to woo me but I kept turning him down as I was still mourning William. But he eventually did and we made love. Then he decided to court me. About 2 weeks after he decided to courted me Alexander just disappeared. Just Gone, without a trace.

After him I didn't really allow myself to fall in love. The two guys I loved were gone. I didn't want to give my heart to anyone else, because I knew somehow it would get broken along the way.

My name is Samantha Marie Jacobson and this is my story.

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