Not fun at all

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Warning: minor complaining and bad words as always XD

Ok so firstly I'm so sorry for not rly uploading, I had yet ANOTHER accident. See earlier in march I fell off a horse and landed on my head with a helmet on and got a concussion. Well Friday I went to dance and we had to do summer salts (idk how to spell lol) and I did one and was fine. But when I did it again something in my back popped between my shoulder blades (idk why but I find that sexy if a hot guy says shoulder blades XD LMAO) but yeah. I then had spotted vision and got dizzy and it was awful. I was sweating bullets and it was around 80 degrees outside so that didn't help. I then sat down from dancing and felt just awful. I was not happy for sure lolol. When I went to the emergency care place I apparently had a back spazzam. >_<

all that went through my head was: oh yip-fucking-yee another injury. Lol this march sucks ass!

I've not been rly happy this march =P I mean with the injurys but wouldn't you agree? I can't stand being TOO lazy, I need to do SOMETHING. So yes. I've also been busy lately and having no inspiration -_-

That's all for now. Gonna eat some almond chocolate icecream. That little bit that's left. Funny how i don't get terribly fat or so, no offense. But well I guess thas bc of my meds. They keep me in check, I'm not crazy but I can get Rly hyper :0

Well thas all fer now, cya l8r playas ;)


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