Lil bit bout me

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Ever had a moment where time would freeze and you thought, the fuck am i doing here?? That was me at school, and in the bathroom mindlessly staring at the counter. Don't get me wrong I'm not insane or out of control, but see I'm writting this because I've noticed when I talk to people bout this stuff they laugh, so I said to myself.... Hell let's make the world smile like for the smile for japan ( which I sadly could not do :( )

I particualy like to entertain people and make their day.

Best you know I had ADHD and I don't send this to my editor xD

Lol it's not considered a story but a wlog which I made up not knowing if It exsists. I'm also a enter freak (the enter bar that does this)




Yeah that if u noticed...

Some might not laugh, some might scowl and some might laugh their frickin arses off who knows? Haters might be there and hopefuly there aren't any stalkers... 0_+

It's now five in the morning and I'm writting, weird I haven't gotten alot of sleep, :(

I have a hard time sleeping, usually I feel my heart pounding loud and I can't sleep or I can't get comfy or my torso is burning like it's on fire but my chest is cold :-/

>_< Well though it was short it was entertaining to write

$Night wattpadders, farewell good bye I wish u a good night$

N sorry if it was a little weird

I'm not thinking with my creative brain, it's my Sleepy brain so excuse the roughness of this wlog thanks

*Small smile*


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