Chapter 23

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For two days Kazu stayed besides the bed, his hand still holding so tightly to Jun's hand. The doctors and nurses all gave him the same pitied look while others told him to at least get some fresh air, and to at least eat, and frequent at the bathroom from time to time. He knew very well to listen to them since doing this was bad for his health. However he couldn't do it since he was afraid he'll lose Jun again without him knowing. So he stuck besides him, watching him with very sleepy eyes in hopes that he can wake up very soon as he promised.

As Jun continued to walk, he watched the very seen before him as if it was a movie. For some unknown reason, the other boy with very magnificent eyebrows made him think of himself, but there was no way that this person was him. He hadn't even seen himself once so he wouldn't know. However, he had to admit the scenes weren't that bad. It mostly consisted of the same boys from the beginning doing nothing but chasing each other around, laughing and playing like normal kids. The more he kept on walking, the more the boys in the "movie" seem to grow older.

At this moment, it looked like they were in middle school. He noted the scene earlier where the boy with magnificent eyebrows ran away, probably from his father, after hearing something that brought such a pained expression on his face. He wanted to know what was being said, but too bad he couldn't because this "movie" didn't have an audio attached to it. The scene being displayed before him looked so familiar because the boy had the same expression on his face. Just as the boy was about to leave school, the older version of the skinny boy was being attacked right in front of him. Jun saw the anger flare in the boys eyes as he ran towards the group of thugs. He saw him pull his arm in the air, and a punch landing so hard on the thugs face he fell unconscious. Jun was impressed as the boy kept continuing and finally, he was able to save the thin boy.

As soon as Jun walked on, the scene changed. He though he should ignore it but he saw a woman, who suddenly gave him the hate vibes, pacing across what looked like a living room. Just then, the "camera" panned down and he saw the boys on their knees. They must be getting their punishments. Jun snickered since after all, they deserved it. Just as he was about to move on, a certain action caught his eye and this time he opened his mouth to screaming, "Kazu!"

Kazu pulled his head up at the sound of his name being called so desperately. Strangely enough, there was no one else in the room but him and his unconscious friend. Shrugging, Kazu put his head back down the arm to rest and dream about Jun.

He gasped as the woman brought her hand across the thin boy's face. It was almost like be was there before that he can clearly hear the boy's skin being slapped so harshly. Then he saw that he was going to cry but he was holding back the tears as if he was trying to be strong. Just as the woman was raising her hands again, the beaten up boy grabbed his hand and ran away from the woman until they were lying on a grassy hill. Jun felt like he had been there somewhere, but he just couldn't remember.

Jun was surprised that he didn't move a single muscle as he watched the two boys stare into the blue skies. They barely talked during that time and when the skies turned dark, the boy with magnificent eyebrows turned to his side and placed a hand on the thin boy's cheek. Jun couldn't understand anymore as he clutched his chest, asking why seeing this scene made him happy, yet it felt so wrong. At the same time the boy finally let go, he stood up and started running. He said something Jun couldn't make out while the other boy trying to catch up had a scared look on his face. It wad at that moment when Jun's eyes grew wide as a car came across the first boy that Jun fell to the ground and clutched his head in pain. All of this, all of this "movie" was about him and Kazu. He should have realized by then, but why did he have to make Kazu suffer. Now he understood why, the reason why Kazu stuck besides him.

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