Chapter 10

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He went by the name Jun, sometimes J when Nino called him that way, at school or even a place he calls home since that's how everyone addressed him. He wasn't sure if that his name, but he kept pretending that it was, not wanting to feel left out since he's the only person in his world that didn't know anything, or who he even was. Though he was glad because a few days ago, he woke up clueless, wondering where he was. That was when he met Nino, who was strangely sitting and watching him and learned that he was about a wee-bit older than him. He thought that the teenager was strange, but something clicked inside of him once he saw a nice smile on his face and he felt a strange pull towards him. Shrugging those memories off, Jun hunched down, prepared to take on swimming when someone grabbed his shoulder.

He clicked his tongue. It must be the couch telling him to slow down because of his minor injuries, but instead found Nino behind him with a strong look of disapproval on his face. Jun tried to pout at his best, but the latter just pointed his chubby finger towards the locker rooms. Having no choice but to follow his orders, he backed down from the diving board before going back to change into his PE clothes; Nino followed closely behind him.

"Nino," He whined, "When can I move around like the rest of them? I'm tired of just watching."

"Not until you get better," Nino hissed, "Then I'll allow you."

Jun sighed as he traced his finger over the big scar on his stomach. He tried asking Nino how he had gotten it, assuming it was from scratching too much, but the latter just ignored him as if it wasn't important. He didn't ask him again or bother him anymore since all he received was silence from him the following days. Looking at his friend from the mirror, he sulked his head back down before disappearing into the locker rooms, and coming out with his PE clothes. Strangely, it also had the name Matsumoto Jun stitched on it too. Maybe he really was this Matsumoto Jun.

"Come," Nino pulled his wrist right after he came from the changing rooms, "I have something to show you."

"Are you sure we can leave class?" Jun whispered, looking behind him as he was being pulled away. He saw that none of the teachers, and even the sitting students had noticed they just easily slipped through the red doors.

Nino laughed. "Of course! We've done this many times before, I'm sure we won't get caught anytime soon."

"Before?" Jun asked, confused, "We met before?"

Nino didn't say anything. All he received from the latter was a tight grip around his wrist, so tight it almost hurt him until he felt it loosen a bit. Now that was strange. So they had met before he met him in his bedroom? He tried to remember, but only the fresh images of Nino's face popping up a few days ago showed up. He tried to look further into his brain however it kept hurting every time he tried. Not wanting to make it even worse, he let the thought slip off of his mind as Nino continued to drag him through the school.


Nino came to a stop at the same time he bumped into him with his nose. He pushed the latter to the floor, obviously angry that he didn't announce they weren't going to stop. Other than his legs, and his upper body that were starting to feel sore, even his nose was starting to hurt.

"Where is this place?" Jun asked through his closed nose. There was nothing but flowers and flowers, and then some more flowers and just little colors of green as he looked around. Carefully watching his step, he walked over his sprawled friend on the floor looking at every flower in amazement.

"It's not the flowers, silly," Nino grunted as he slowly got up from the floor, "I found a collection of bugs I've been keeping here since we entered high school."

"'Since we?'" Jun knitted his eyebrows together in confusion, "I thought I just entered high school?"

Like last time, Nino didn't answer him. Instead he took a sharp turn, his back facing him while walking to a pile of rubbish besides the tiny light pink flowers. He saw him bend down, before reaching his hand deep inside of the rubbish and came out with a small bow. There was another strange thing about Nino, he liked to collect bugs while he tried to avoid them.

Slowly taking a step inch by inch, Nino opened the box revealing small, big, and the tiniest bugs all inhabited together in one box. Jun staggered back, afraid that one of them will eat him alive. When he thought that Nino was going to hide it back, the latter just came towards him with a green caterpillar in his hand.

"Go away!" Jun shrieked, running as fast as he can from the laughing Nino, "Don't let it touch me!"

"Come on, J. It doesn't bite."

Jun shook his head. "Seriously, Nino, put it away before I kill them with pesticides."

He thought his warning saved him from being eaten by a caterpillar, but something small landed on his back, followed by something what felt like a rock falling on him. Again, his nose hit the floor followed by his whole face. He felt like he was being crushed by the lightest boulder in the world. However, he slowly turned his body around facing Nino who was staring deeply into his eyes. Jun smiled awkwardly, trying to get away from this weight. However the latter on top of him refused to move as his eyes were still on his face. Thinking that there really was something there, he squirmed his hands free from in between their bodies and wiped whatever it was.

"I-is it still...there?"He stammered, his face growing in some excessive and unnecessary heat.

Nino just looked into his eyes, as if they were the most interesting thing in the world and kept his mouth shut. For fear what he was thinking was going to happen next, Jun closed his eyes when Nino's face inched closer and closer until he could feel his breathing on his skin. He opened his eyes again, thinking that something had happened, but saw that the latter was already on his feet.

"You crushed the caterpillar!" Nino whined, "Now you have to look one for me."

"W-what?!" Jun yelled, finally snapping back to reality and standing up. The caterpillar deserved it anyways since it looked like it was going to eat him. Turning around, he stormed out of the school garden, holding in his breath and finally letting it go when he was as far away from Nino. Jun clutched at his chest, something was definitely stirring inside of him, but it was neither the pain from the scar, or the pain from falling down. Sighing, he ditched his friend and went away to find some fresh air.

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