Chapter 16

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Jun stared hard at Nino’s back as he moved around the kitchen preparing an afternoon snack for the both of them while he sat silently on the dining chair. He’s been wondering, since they came back from the supermarket, what made him smile so big in front of that man named Ohno. Was he someone important? Was he someone that-- Jun shook his head, feeling numb and stupid for thinking these kinds of thoughts when really he shouldn’t care at all. Nino was just a person who was going to help him remember who he was, not someone whose personal matters mattered to him. Sliding the chair back, he walked over to the living room window where he could just stare instead of thinking unreasonable things.

As usual, the streets of Tokyo were bustling with many people doing their own business. He wishes he can be like one of them, but Nino told him to stay put since he was afraid that he’ll forget where they live, or might get lost in the process. However, just watching the people, unaware of him watching them, it was just a nice feeling as if he was part of the crowd.

“ you want to go out sometime?”

Jun jumped in surprise, realizing that Nino was besides him staring outside too. He must have been so engrossed into the scenery that he didn’t notice he was there. “Uh...”

“Just as...friends...” Nino mumbled, “But if you don’t want to then-”

“No I want to!” Jun cut him off, his hand immediately grabbing Nino’s hand. It was a good idea since he had never been out, except for today since he went grocery shopping with him. Otherwise, he can walk the busy streets along with the other people, and venture out into the different streets. Without realizing it himself, he wrapped his arms around Nino for a brief moment before eating the snacks Nino had placed on the table. All the excitement of tomorrow was filled up with his head that he didn’t notice his friend’s hurt expression on his face...

Last night, Jun couldn’t contain his excitement with his mind full of images of what the world looked like outside the apartment. From what he had seen through the window, everywhere there were people and many cars and such passing by every time the people stopped crossing the streets. He thought that the streets were full of people everyday but according to Nino, these people had work and that was all they did from day to night. When they walked past buildings and buildings, Jun realized that he was right after seeing men and women in business clothing coming in and out of the buildings they past by. So this is what the outside was like.

As they walked on, with Nino trying to catch up with his pace, Jun was still amazed at how big the world really is compared their apartment. Everywhere, there were men, women, teenagers, and some families walking around having smiles on their faces. Taking a short glance over his shoulder, he saw that Nino wasn’t smiling like them.

“Are you not having fun?” Jun stopped walking, causing Nino to bump into his back.

“I am...” He muttered, the frown on his face still visible, “Let’s move before--”

Jun cut him off by grabbing his hand and pulling him to the closest store that attracted him earlier. It was a small antique store, filled with about 10 or less people with soft music playing in the background, a music that he couldn’t recognize. However, what attracted him the most was the promo in the front of the store window, saying how there was a piano on sale. Since he had the time in the 2 days since he had met Nino, he ransacked through, what was told was his belongings and found loads of cash in his wallet. It was a good thing he brought it with him.

While Nino was busy looking around, he silently asked the woman in the front desk where the piano was being held. She said that it was just straight ahead with a right turn and it would be in the middle of the room. After asking one more time, he dragged Nino yet again and finally found it. Jun refused to say anything to Nino who was asking him questions as he pushed him towards the piano chair.

“J? What’s--”

“It’s for you,” he smiled, “I thought since with your long fingers and all, you can play piano.”

Nino shook his head and was about to get up but Jun stopped him. “But I don’t even know how,” he told him. “I mean I used to play when we were kids, but I...” Nino trailed off, his eyes looking like they were driving miles away. It took Jun a few times to call his name and was about to slap him when Nino blinked twice.

“So, I’m getting this for you,” Jun finalized, “Then you can play again, right?”

At the same time he saw him nod his head, he dragged him again to the front and asked the old woman for the piano to be delivered by tonight. She looked bewildered at first until Jun shoved her the money from his wallet. It was all the money that was in there and he didn’t regret it at all. After the woman had taken out papers for him to sign and finished them as fast as he can, he dragged Nino back home without trying to get lost.

“J,” Nino finally spoke, “You didn’t have to get it for me.”

“I wanted to ok? Now please stop whining since I already bought it.” With that being said, Nino had gone silent before leaving to his room.

Jun felt satisfied with himself, though he still didn’t see a smile on his face. Wanting to see it, he headed for Nino’s room, only to stop after hearing soft sobbing inside. It was the right thing to back away and leave him to himself but his ears pressed against Nino’s door. Jun couldn't understand why just hearing him brought such a saddened feeling to his heart. Pulling the door handle, he opened the door and closed it once he was inside. Nino immediately saw him and he turned around. However, Jun just walked over Nino and wrapped his arms around Nino’s small frame to his chest.

“I’m sorry, Nino,” He whispered, “I should have asked you first.”

Nino shook his head while his hands held his arms. “It’s not because...of that...” He sniffled, “It’s just that it haunted me again.”

“What did?”

“The accident,” Nino mumbled, “I stopped playing because of it.”

“Well I’m here, aren’t I?” He smiled before turning Nino around to prove it. “And since I bought it, you can play again.”

Nino finally smiled as he muttered thanks to him. Jun’s hand immediately went around him again and told him to smile like that always. As the two of them got up, the doorbell rang followed by voices of deep men saying that they had brought the piano over. Holding out his hand, Nino grabbed it and the two went ahead to greet them...

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