Chapter 6

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He tried to turn to his side when the strange boy was trying to feed him with hospital food. He’s tasted it once that morning, but he hated the taste of it, and being feed by the strange boy was as strange as it can get. When he heard the small sounds of the boys footsteps running to where he was facing, he turned around again and heard the boy let out a sigh. He thought he had won this little war, but he felt hands touching him and soon he was facing the boy.

“Please, J, eat this,” The boy begged him as he held out a spoon.

He shook his head and used the best of his strength to slap the spoon away. The boy in front of him just flinched instead of making a face he thought he would. While the boy went to retrieve the spoon, he turned around again to face the machine. At least this machine wasn’t as annoying as that persistent boy. All he wanted was the comfort of this bed, and for him to go away so he could be at peace.

“Fine,” he heard the boy sigh behind him before going to face him again. “If you’re going to be like this...I guess we have to introduce each other...”

“I’m Ninomiya Kazunari,” he introduced himself.

He ignored him and just closed his eyes to pretend to sleep. But that didn’t work since he felt the boy’s hand lightly touch his cheek. His eyes flew open and saw that the boy was staring at him in the eyes as if he was looking into his soul. He wanted to pull away but the boys’ hand felt so nice against his skin, and he didn’t know why. Just as he wanted to say something, the boy started tearing up and he felt his body being pulled towards him.

The boy let out a strangled sob. “It’s ok J, it... doesn’t matter if you remember me... As long as you let me help you, then I’ll stand out of your way...” The boy seemed sad as he told him but he was glad that he finally understood him.

“Can I at least...”The boy paused before looking at him in the eyes, “...Hold your hand?”

He couldn’t understand it himself but he shot his hand out and the boy grabbed it with his warm hand. He watched him move back to the left side of the bed before closing his eyes and resting his head besides his arm. It was just like when he saw him yesterday, but this boy was starting to become even stranger and stranger.

“Ni...Ni-no,” He called out to the boy who looked up at him with huge eyes.

“J... you--”

“Is you...Ni-no?” He asked him in broken sentence since his throat was still feeling unwell. Though he felt as if he can talk a little, seeing that he could form such words.

The boy nodded his head and he could see that tears were starting to form again. He didn’t know why just calling him made him so happy as he felt his body being pulled towards him again. The warmthness of body felt nice against his that he was starting to feel sleepy again. Once the boy released him, he sunk back down the pillow and closed his eyes to sleep...

It was nighttime when he woke up. He heard a soft sobbing followed by a woman’s loud voice echoing in the room. He opened his eyes by then after hearing someone being slapped, and saw a woman, her hand in the air, while the strange boy was on the ground holding his cheek. He winced in pain as he stood up from his bed causing the woman’s attention to go to him.

“This brat is the reason why you’re in this condition,” The woman spat as she pointed her long fingers to the strange boy on the floor, “I told you many times, how much this affects me and now you’re hospitalized?! Do you want your father to think of me as a vile woman?!”

He just stared at her. He didn’t know who she was talking about, or didn’t even know he had a father. However, his eyes went to the strange boy on the floor and something inside of him as strange as the boy stirred in his body. Without saying anything, he swung his right leg to the side, and the other until he was completely over the edge. He felt like his legs were starting to feel better, but he thought wrong when he fell on the ground, the boy saving his fall by grabbing him with his arms. He screamed in pain as his legs and arms fell on the floor. It burned so much and the pain kept getting worse as the boy helped him back up his bed.

“You see?! He’s nothing but bad luck!”

He shook his head otherwise, and grabbed the boy’s hand. He dragged his arm to the left side of the bed, where the woman couldn’t get him. The boy seemed to have gotten the idea as he rushed to the left side of the bed, and hid behind him.

“I... you can’ him...” He told her in broken sentences, “He... helps me...”


“Go...” He weakly used his right arm to point towards the door and the woman just stared at him angrily. He could see that there was fire in her eyes and her face was turning into a deep shade of red. She opened her mouth wanting to say something but instead looked at the strange boy one more time before turning around and leaving them alone. Once it was quiet, the boy besides him started to talk.


“Who is...?”

“That’s you’re name,” the boy pointed out, “But if you like, I can start calling you Jun if you hate the way I call you...”

He shook his head. It really didn’t matter how he called him as long as he was there to help him with whatever he needed help with. He saw a small smile form on the boy’s face then he saw the red mark forming on his face. Turning around, he opened the drawer on his bedside and saw a first aid kit the woman in the cap had given him just in case he needed it or something like that. Facing the boy again, he opened the first aid kit and took out something to relieve his pain. He could see that his face was starting to become even red. As if his hands were being controlled, they went up on their own and cupped the boy’s cheek. He was about to pull away when he realized what he had done, but the boy stopped him by putting his hand over his.

“It’s ok...” He smiled, “It doesn’t hurt as long as J touches it.”

All he could do was nod awkwardly at the boy in front of him. But what was even strange was that he didn’t pull away. He tried to go to sleep but he could hear that the boy was letting out a soft sob again.

“I miss you so much, J,” the boy whispered in a soft voice that only he can hear it. It took him quite a while to calm down, and then he heard him breathing deeply. That was all he could hear that night before going back to sleep again.

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