Chapter 20

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I'm in a good mood today, so I wanted to write(:

Enjoy xx


Kylie's POV

Prom is amazing so far. I'm realizing that all I need is Keaton in my life. I mean, I've noticed that before, but I'm really realizing it now. He's such a beautiful person- not only in looks, but he just has a beautiful persona. He just makes me so happy, and that makes me sad. How many emotions can one person cause me?

Keaton headed to the bathroom, so he left me alone for a minute. Oh how things can change in a matter of minutes.

I headed over the the punch bowl, grabbed a cup, and poured myself some punch.

"Enjoying the punch?" A voice from behind me asked.

Daniel. Fuck.

"Oh, you scared me," I said placing my hand on my heart. "But yeah, I mean it's pretty good. Want some?" I asked. I was being way more friendly then I should be.

"Sure," He smiled. "You look beautiful." He said, looking at me.

"Thanks." I blushed. It was hard not to fall for his charm.

"Kylie, what the hell is wrong with you. Leave now." I thought to myself.

"Um well, I think I should be going now." I said, trying to leave.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, gently pulling me back, "no, stay. I miss you."

My anxiety levels raised threw the roof.

I took my hand, and removed his hand from my shoulder. "Danny, listen.. This isn't really a good time.." I tried to say, as I started sweating.

"Danny? No ones called me that in a long time. Only you ever gave me that nickname," he said. He tried to reach for my hand, but I moved it just in time. "Kylie, you hurt me, more then I hurt you."

"Please.. Daniel.. Danny." I stuttered. I tried to hold my tears from coming out, but one slipped.

"Babe, why are you crying?" He asked, trying to wipe the tear away from my face

"I'm not crying.. You're hurting me." I said, looking him in the eyes.

He stepped back, with his hands in front of his chest. "I'm sorry.. I just want to talk to you.. Damn it Kylie." He said, frustrated dropping his drink.

I looked at the drink now on the floor, and then looked back at up at him. "Shh, it's okay." I said moving towards him, moving my hand up to his cheek. "It's okay." I whispered.

"No! Nothing is okay. If everything was fine, we would be together!" He said moving my hand off his face.

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. I stepped away from him, moving one step back.

"Babe, I'm sorry. You know how I am... I want to fix everything.. Us. I want you so badly Kylie. It hurts. Everything hurts. I just want you back into my life.. But I fucked up. I'll admit it, I fucked up. I'm sorry. I never wanted us to end. I had such high fucken hopes for us.. Didn't you?" He asked, clearly upset.

"Of course I did.. I wanted you, and only you. But now.. It's diffrent." I said looking down.

"Kylie, I still love you." He said, moving one finger, to lift up my face.

"You do?" I asked, tears streaming down my face.

"Yes.." He admitted. "Want to hear something?" He asked.

3000 Miles away. ~Keaton Stromberg fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now