Chapter 4 ;*

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Hey guys here's the 4th chapter!

Hope you enjoy! ;)


Keaton's P.O.V

"Yay! Thank you!" Kylie said

"No problem. Anytime." I said as I gave her a hug

She hugged me back so tight. I love her hugs.

"Keaton can I ask you a question?" She asked

"Sure! Anything Kylers!" I said

"Can you promise me that we will always remain friends? And always act like this?" She asked turning red

"I promise." I said as she hugged me again

I didn't quite understand why she said 'like this'

I wonder if she likes me. I mean she tried to hold my hand earlier and she didn't care when Wes and Drew teased her when she was laying on me.


"I thought that when the pizza gets here we could watch scary movies or something." She said

"Sure! That's sounds great!" I said smiling

"Do you wanna go downstairs or stay up here?" She asked

"Oh I don't care.. Either or. What about your dad though?" I asked

"He's in his office so he won't come out, but I wouldn't really care if he did." She said smiling

"Okay.. Downstairs?" I asked

"Perfect." She said looking at me with a grin

Okay Keaton play it cool. I can't get nervous.

10 minutes later the doorbell rang and Kylie answered it and gave the pizza man 20$

"Yay pizza!" She said excitedly

"Awesome. What movie are we going to watch?" I asked

"I don't know. I was thinking scary but not gross scary, like Saw or Chainsaw Massacre." She said

"I was thinking the same thing. Maybe something like Paranormal Activity. Those movies aren't that scary." I said

"Okay!" She said smiling

We sat on her couch and we ordered paranormal activity 1 off of Netflix.

"Do you want a blanket?" She asked "or do you wanna share one?"

"We can share one if you would like." I said smiling

I didn't know if I had feelings for Kylie before but the feelings are defiantly here now. She's just so beautiful, everything she does is just perfect. I never felt this way before.


Kylie retuned to the couch with two plates, two napkins, two cans of coke, and one blanket.

"Thanks!" I said

"Welcome Keaters." she said with a wink

The night couldn't have gone any better, we ate pizza and watched movies all night. Whenever a scary part would come on Kylie would instantly move closer to me and cover her eyes with the blanket.

One movie after another, we watched movies utill about 4 in the morning. We rented the movie "Super 8" and during that movie we both fell asleep.

I awoke to the sound of Kylie's voice.

"Hey do you want to go upstairs to my room?" She whispered

"Yeah sure" I whispered back

She shut off the T.V and put the pizza box on the kitchen table. We both walked up the stairs into her bedroom.

She turned on the light and shut the door.

"Floor or the bed?" She asked

"Oh I don't care, you pick." I said

"We'll I like my bed haha." She giggled

"Then ill sleep on the floor." I said

"Okay. " she said smiling

We put blankets and pillows down to make my bed.

"All set?" She asked me

"I think so." I said

She hopped into her bed and shut off the light.

"Goodnight Kylie" I said to her

"Night Keaters" she said with a giggle.

I was actually comfortable considering I was on the floor.

It was only a half hour later until I woke up to the sound of Kylie's voice again

"Keaton? Keaton? Are you sleeping yet?" She whispered

"I was but not anymore haha." I whispered back

"I can't sleep... Can you come sleep up here with me?" She asked

"If you want me to of course." I said back

I got off the floor and onto Kylie's bed. I laid beside her and got under the blankets.

"Thank you" she whipsered "but I think you should know I'm a cuddler."

"Welcome. But that's okay I don't mind." I said back

We both faced each laying on our sides talking about random things until we both got tired again.

"I'm cold." Kylie said as she pulled the blankets closer to her face

"Come here." I said

She moved her body closer to mine and I could feel her warmth.

"You're warm." she said with a giggle

I wrapped my arms around her body and she nustled her body up against mine. I never been this close to Kylie before except when we hug. She smells like fresh flowers and her skin is so soft.

"I love you." I heard Kylie whispered

"I love you too." I whispered back


Ahh omg!! What do you think?!

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Hannah xx

3000 Miles away. ~Keaton Stromberg fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now