Chapter 17 ); <\3

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Hola ;D

I am so so so so so so so sorry!

I could give u guys a million reasons why I haven't updated but, I don't think u care.

I hope u guys like this chapter (:

Hannah xx


Kylie's P.O.V

Waking up in an empty bed is one of the hardest thing to do. I hate sleeping alone, it just doesn't feel the same. I am only in a cold bed, by myself, with no support. No warm arms wrapped around my body. No hand is interlocked in mine anymore.

It's hard to get up, it just hard to live.

What day is it? Only Thursday? It's only been 2 days since he's left? To be honest it feels like 2 years.

My heart just hearts. It's like a chest pain, that doesn't go away. I'm having severe depression, and anxiety attacks.

Besides waking up to an empty bed, another challenge is getting out of it. With no one to wake up too, I have nothing to look forward to during the day.

My room still manages to smell like Keaton, which is a plus. I miss the way that he always smelled so good. At night, I always cuddle with his sweatshirt, and I'm surprised the smell hasn't wore off yet.

When my feet finally hit the cold hard wood floor, I manage to walk myself over to my closet and pick out some jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt.

Just sudden movements hit me; my body has continues aches and pains. Trying to put on skinny jeans is the worst.

When I finally manage to get dressed, I pull myself into the bathroom, to brush my teeth and throw my hair into a bun.

Step by step I go down stairs and I am greeted by my dad, "Good morning sweety."

"Hi." I say

"Would you like anything to eat?" He asked

"No, I'm fine." I said

"Are you sure? I can make you something." He asked

"I'm fine, thanks dad." I said grabbing my bag, and heading towards the door.

"Have a nice day!" He said

I slammed the door, not even meaning to. I hate walking to my stupid bus stop, walking passed... His house.

It seems like it's mocking me, every time I pass it. It's laughing at my pain, and how bad I'm suffering. Memories hurt.

I can't even look at it. New neighbors are moving in, and I already hate them, and I don't even know them yet. They're taking away precious memories, that Keaton and I once shared. Knowing that someone is going to be in Keaton's room is killing me. They will see the engravings that I made on the closet door, and wonder who was once in there.

Me. I was there once. I did it, and they have no idea.

Just knowing that someone's going to be living both in Wesley's, and Drew's room hurts. Those rooms were our hangout spots. Ours.

Boarding the bus alone is horrible. I hate it. I hate everything.

Looking out the window, sitting in the exact seat that we sat in every morning is hurting me.

I want to go home already, and I haven't even got to school yet.

Lijah always waits for me to get off the bus. We've gotten a lot closer, and he's helped me a lot, but my pain just doesn't go away. And I don't think it ever will.

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