Chapter 10 :) ;)

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Hey guys!!

Here's chapter 10!! Already haha

Thank you guys so much for reading this book! It means a lot to me!!

Enjoy!! <3


Kylie's P.O.V

I ran into my English class and found a seat next to Bethany.

"Hey! Where have you been?" Beth asked

"Hey.. Sorry I was at my locker. Here." I said giving her my homework

"Thanks girl!! You're a life saver!" She said smiling

A minute later my English teacher walked in, Mr. Sparks.

"Good morning class! How was everybody's weekend?" He asked

The whole class groaned in return.

"Okay today we will be doing..." I heard Mr.Sparks say but then I zoned off.

I started doodling in my notebook because all I could think about was Keaton.


I already missed him so much.

I wrote his name multiple times, trying to write it in different fonts. How I wished he was sitting next to me instead of Beth.


Keaton's P.O.V

I walked into my history class and I already felt empty with out Kylie by my side.


If I licked my lips and I could still taste her strawberry lip gloss.

I found my seat next to my friend Lijah.

"Why do you smell like strawberries?" He asked laughing as I sat down.

"You can smell them?" I asked thinking of Kylie

"Yes. Who have you been kissing?" He asked nudging me

"It might not be strawberry lip gloss." I said turning red

"Yes it is! It's Kylie isn't it? She always smells like strawberries." He asked

"Maybe..." I said

"Aww! You guys are finally together?" He asked smiling

"It's not official, and I don't know what direction were heading in, but hopefully it's the right one." I said

"We'll I hope you guys are just happy." He said

"Thanks man." I said

My history teacher came in the classroom and began talking about things I didn't really care about. All I cared about was Kylie.

I wonder if she was thinking about me.

An hour later the bell finally rang and I got to see Kylie again.

"Hey man ill catch up with you later." I said to Lijah

"Go get your girl." He said with a chuckle

I grabbed my things and booked it out of the class. I went to Kylie's locker and waited for her there.

When she got to her locker she was walking with Bethany, but I didn't care anymore. I grabbed her arm and kissed her on her lips.

"You still taste like the lip gloss." She giggled as she pulled away

"I know.. Lijah asked me why, and he guessed it was you right away." I told her

I looked at Bethany and she made a weird face and said "Kylie, you didn't tell me.."

3000 Miles away. ~Keaton Stromberg fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now