Chapter 13 ;) :) ):

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Hey guys!

Again thank you so much for reading this book! It means so much to me! ;*

I hope your liking the book so far!

This is actually so sad for me to write!

But happy reading! :)


Keaton's P.O.V

It was hard to forget that I was leaving Kylie in exactly one week.

But if I have to be strong..I'll do it for her.

We just caught the bus, when we arrived it was just about to leave.

We found a seat across from Wesley.

"Where were you guys?" Wes asked

"We where in the hallway talking to Lijah." I replied

"Oh." Wes said

I watched the rain fall down from the sky. It started to pour just as me and Kylie got on the bus.

The rain always makes me think about Kylie and I's first kiss.

'Keaton stop... This is just going to make things even worse for you.' I thought to myself.


Why is this so hard.


I just wanted to go home and curl myself into a ball and stay in my bed forever.

I looked away from the window to look at Kylie, she was playing Candy Crush.

"This game is so difficult!" She exclaimed

"I know. That's why I stopped playing it." I said with a smile

I started to feel light headed.

'Come on' I said to myself. I can't feel like this right now.

When the bus arrived at our stop it was still raining.

"Should we run?" Kylie asked

"Probably." Wes said

She grabbed my hand as soon as we stepped off the bus.

I squeezed her hand tightly and we started running.

It was hard to see when the rain kept constantly falling from the sky. Luckily our stop wasn't that far away from my house.

Wesley quickly opened the door to the house and we got inside.

"Oh my god, I'm soaked." Kylie said

"That's what's she said." Wesley said

"Really Wesley, Really?!" She asked

"Hey you asked for it!" He said

She gave him a glare and said "Oh Wesley.."

"Come up stairs with me." I said to her as I grabbed her hand

"Okay!" She said smiling

We went upstairs into my room and I shut the door behind me.

"Unfortunately, you didn't leave any clothes here so, you could borrow some sweatpants if you want." I told her

"Please?" She asked

"Of course." I said

I looked in my drawers of my dresser and pulled out two pairs of sweatpants, and also grabbed two t-shirts.

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