chapter 2

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Chizuru POV

The whole village glared at me. Kondou walked in the open. "Well well well. Look who's in trouble again". Kondou said. I rolled my eyes. "Scientifically I did nothing wrong. I was just being chased by a monstrous nightmare and thank god our great chief saved me". I said and clapped. Kondou slapped my head but not too hard. I glared at him. Hijikata chuckled and walked over to me. "What did I say about staying in the house when there's a dragon invasion love". He asked. I sighed. "I can't. There is a whole hungry of dragons out there who need food for survivor. Don't you just stop and think about what they want". I asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and opened his eyes. I new he was being annoyed by me because I still try to convince him to stop hurting dragons. I been trying to do it since I was 5. "...walk with me love". He said. I sighed. He turned to the men. "Everyone clean up the mess that is still out". He said. They all left to do what they were said to do. He held my hand and started walking. I groaned. I saw Heisuke, Saito, Souji, harada and shinpachi laugh at me. "Wow. So heroic you did back there Chizuru". Heisuke said. I smiled and bowed. "Thank you. I take pleasure in doing so". I said. "Wow. I never seen anyone mess up that badly". Souji said. I smiled. "Thank you. I tried". I said. Hijikata squeezed my hand. I sighed and looked down. I knew he wanted me to be quiet already. He pushed Heisuke head and kept walking.

I walked beside Hijikata. We were still holding hands for some wired reason. When I tried to tae my hand back he held it tight. "...Love. Do you know why we kill dragons". He asked. I sighed. "Because they keep stealing our food. I know". I said. He chuckled. "Not only that...but for safety and survival". he said. I looked up at him. "All around you is a gift love and we must protect it. Dragons will want to destroy it and take what's ours. That is why we fight them". He said. I sighed. "But still. How are dragons any different than us. Ya we can't fly or blast fire or roar like there's no tomorrow but we are still the same". I said. He sighed. He held my cheeks. "Love. When are you going to learn that dragons are dangerous". He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. He sighed. "Awww. Your just so cute". He said and squeezed my cheeks. I had an annoyed look. "I just want to eat you all up". He said. I slapped his hand away. "Hijikata. I'm not that cute little girl anymore. I'm scarier". I said. He gave me a really look. I sighed. "Okay...maybe not...". I said. He sighed and held my chin. "...Nah. I like you better cute". He said and kissed my nose. I groaned and wiped my nose. I kept walking with him. I sighed. "But whats the point of telling you guys to stop. You guys never listen or care about me and when they do is just with this disappointed scowl". I said. I walked towards my house. "They do listen to you and we do care about you love". He said. I gave him a really look. "Really. Name a few people who listen to me or cares about me". I asked. He smiled. "I do". He said. I rolled my eyes. "Also Kondou". He said. I sighed. "Love it's not the outside, it's the inside what they can't stand". He said. I gave him really look. "Thanks...for summoning that up". I said. He sighed and held my waist. "Look. The point is to stop trying to help us". He said. I sighed. "Ya. I know. I'm a girl. Girls can't fight". I said. He sighed and held my chin. He made me look up at him. "...Just promise me you'll stay inside where it's safe incase of a another dragon invasion". He said. I sighed. "I'll try". I said. He smiled and kissed my head. "Thanks love". He said. I walked to my door and opened it. "Hey". He said. I looked at him. "...If you need know i'm always going to be here for you". He said. I sighed and smiled. "..I know". I said. I walked inside the house and closed it.

Hijikata POV

I sighed. Oh my love...i'll always be there for just have to learn that dragons are bad...

Chizuru POV

I ran out the back and ran in the forest where the dragon left. I can't end here. I need to make shier if that dragon is okay.

Hijikata POV

I was in the meeting with the other vikings, telling them how we are going to strike the dragons. "Either we finish them or they'll finish us. It's the only way well get rid of them if we find the nest and destroy it then the dragons will leave and they'll find another home. One more search before the ice sets". I said. "Those ships never come back". A guy said. I breathed. "Were vikings. it's an occupational hazard. NOW WHOS WITH ME". I asked but everyone kept quiet. I sighed. 'Alright. Time for the big guns'. "Alright. Those who stay will look after my beautiful Chizuru". I said. They all raised there hands. "To the ships". I heard. I chuckled and nodded. "That's more like it". I said. Everyone left. I sighed and looked at the map. I thought about my little Chizuru. "Alright. I'll pack my undies". Kondou said. I sighed. "No. I need you to stay and train some new recruits". I said. I sat next to him. "Oh yeah and while i'm busy Chizuru can cover the stall, lots of time to herself, what could possibly go wrong". He said. I sighed. "Oh. What am I going to do with her Kondou". I said. "You can train him with the others". He said. I looked up at him, shocked. "No. I'm serious". I said. "So am I". He said. "She'll be killed before you let a first dragon out of it's cage and I can't afford to lose her". I said. He sighed. "So when will you tell her you love her". He asked. I looked up at him. Ever since I found her in that forest I made a promise to myself to protect her...and now i have been in love with her since I was 18. I sighed and looked down. "When I have the chance". I said. He sighed. "Well...if I were you I would put her in with the group. It would only prepare her Hijikata and the truth is you won't always be around to protect her. She's going to get out there again. She's probably out there now". He said. I sighed and looked down. I looked at a picture of my gorgeous Chizuru.

Chizuru POV

I looked at my notebook that I drew a map on. I sighed. I scribbled on the paper and walked threw the forest. "The gods hate me". I said and kept walking. "Some people lose there knife or there mug no. I managed to lose a entire dragon". I said. Than I bumped into something. I gasped and looked up. It...was a broken tree. Than I saw a trial lead to something. Than I heard a noise. I gasped. I ran over there. I stopped and...saw that ropes again. She looked at me and whined. She tried to come over to me but couldn't. I gasped and ran over to her. "What happened". I said. I rubbed her head. I looked and saw it was one of our ropes. I growled. "Men". I said. She whined. I looked down at her. I rubbed her head. "Don't worry. I'm going to get you out of here". I said. I got out my dagger and started ripping the ropes. Once I was done she jumped on me. I giggled. She rubbed her head against mine. I giggled. "Your okay now". I said. She got off me and smiled. She motioned me to walk with her but I shook my head. "..I can't...I have to stay here". I said. She whined. "I don't like it here either...but I must stay can go...and be free". I said. She whined and walked towards me. I rubbed her head. "I'll be fine". I said. I kissed her head. She whined. She started flying but...she flew incorrectly. I gave her a questionable look but let it slide. Maybe she was numb because of the ropes. I sighed and walked back to the village.

I was in my office, drawing that white dragon. Someone came in. I looked up and saw Hijikatan he smiled at me. "Hey love". He said. I sighed and looked down at my drawing. "Hey". I said. He came over to me. He laid his head on my head. "I like your drawing". He said. I sighed. "only If it were only a viking". He said. I sighed. He kissed my cheek. I sighed. I turn my body so I was facing h completely. Our two hands connected. I stared at them. "So...I have news". He said. I hummed. "Dragon training. You start tomorrow in the first thing in the morning". He said. I looked up at him, shocked. "What". I asked. He hummed. I know you don't want to go but maybe it will distract you. You know, get your mind off things". He said. I sighed. He crouched down to my level and stared at me. I rubbed his fingers so it could look like I'm distracted. "Listen. I'm going to be leaving and I want kondou to be as close to you as possible. It pains me to be far away from you". He said. I signed. "Just promise me you'll go...please love". He asked. I took a deep breathe and looked at him. "Okay". I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thanks love". He said. He stood up. "Okay. I'll be back by tomorrow...maybe". He said. I breathe. "And I'll be here... maybe". I said. He chuckled and kissed my nose before walking out.

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