Chapter Ten: First date

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The next day, Ian and I’s date was the only thing on my mind. I could barely concentrate on Mrs. Bloom’s hedges. I think one might have even been a little lopsided. But Mrs. Bloom didn’t exactly have 20/20 vision, so it wasn’t like she would notice. I glanced back to see her sitting out on her patio, rocking back and forth as she read the newspaper. I knew for a fact though that she didn’t actually read it. It was more of a prop, so she could spy on everyone in the neighborhood.

“Oh God – Here comes the gossip,” Mrs. Bloom muttered shaking her head. I glanced up to see Beverly, strutting over towards Mrs. Bloom with a smile on her face. Not a single strand of her dark brown hair was out of place as she smoothed her flower dress down in the front.

“Mrs. Bloom,” she called out waving at her. She gave me a wink as she marched up her steps, resting her hands on her hips.

“You haven’t been to gardening club in a while and I just wanted to check on you and make sure everything was alright.”

Sure. That was why she made the trek all the over here to make sure Mrs. Bloom was in full health. Beverly’s visits always had an ulterior motive. Everyone knew that.

“My arthritis has been bothering me,” Mrs. Bloom replied quickly. “I told Patricia to tell you.”

Beverly ran her hand across Mrs. Bloom’s shoulder. “I’m sorry to hear that. But I was wondering if you could watch Tommy this evening. I usually ask Lyn’s daughter, Ashley to do it, but she has a date tonight. God I wish I had one of those. I remember those days when I was young and pretty. Don’t you?”

“I’m still living those days,” Mrs. Bloom retorted. “I guess I can watch little Thomas for you.”

“You’re an absolute life saver,” she replied  as she walked back towards her house. “Thanks again. Nice seeing you, Ryder. Tell your mother, we miss her at book club.”

“I’ll be sure too,” I called back as she disappeared into her house. So Ashley had a date tonight. That was interesting. I hadn’t heard from her since her birthday. I felt weird about everything that had happened between us. I shouldn’t have led her on like I did. That was a mistake.

As soon as I finished Mrs. Bloom’s yard, I rushed over to my house to shower and change clothes. I opened my drawers, my eyes flickering onto the box of condoms. Usually I carried a condom on me, just in case, but just the idea of Ian and I going that far made my heart race. I shoved one in my back pocket anyways. I mean you never know when you might need one. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth, when my mother called out to me, shouting something about me having a visitor. I quickly brushed my hair back as I rushed downstairs to see Ashley standing at the doorway.

“Ashley,” I said shocked to see her standing there. “Hey.”

“Hi,” she smiled. “Can we go for a walk for a minute?”

“Sure,” I said following her out the door, as she and I walked down Pear Street. It was quiet with only the sound of crickets echoing through the cool night air. I shoved my hands into my pocket as I glanced at Ian’s house. I was supposed to meet him soon.

“I’m supposed to be going on a date with Victor in a few minutes,” she began staring at her feet as she walked. “But before I went, I just wanted to talk to you about the other night and apologize for moving so fast – Ryder, if you like me, I won’t go out with Victor.”

“Ashley,” But before I could interject she cut me off.

“I know I was a little drunk but I do like you Ryder. Ever since we were kids, I always had a crush on you. I was just too scared to do anything,” she admitted her face flushing a cherry red color. “I mean you were my first kiss. You actually got a lot of better.”

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