Chapter Eighteen: Mending Broken Fences

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Ian and I walked over to his place. I had a feeling that this was going to be a long conversation. I let him start. I mean he had come over after all. Plus if I started talking, it would only end in an argument. I couldn't control my mouth sometimes. I do and say whatever's on my mind.

"I'm sorry for blowing you off last night," he said. "You must have been so pissed at me, huh? You probably still are. It's just there was a lot going on, and I didn't want you adding to the chaos."

I raised an eyebrow. "Chaos?"

Ian groaned running his fingers though his hair. "Alan came by yesterday. He told me that he was the one who left the note in your mailbox."

I shook my head. I knew it. I knew he was the culprit. I had my suspicions and he was high on the list. I mean he and Ian hadn't exactly ended on good terms, so it makes sense that he would tell her. He probably thought that that would break us up, and he could just swoop right in and get Ian back. What a bastard. He just couldn't let Ian go, could he?

Jeremy would never out me like that even if he did hate Ian.

"Bastard," I huffed. "What an asshole! I hope you told him off. He had no right to do that. I swear if I see that cocky face of his - I'll punch him into next week."

"I would loved to have seen that," Ian replied. "He flew back to the city this morning though. You just missed him."

I shook my head. "I missed him? As in he stayed the night?"

Ian nodded casually. "Yeah he did. He and I talked for a while actually."

They talked. As if he expected me to believe that knowing how sneaky and conniving Alan is. I'm sure he wanted to do more than just that.

"You talked? Before or after you fucked each other?" I muttered folding my arms across my chest. Ian let out a soft chuckle, his green eyes flickering to mine for a second.

"Don't be ridiculous," Ian retorted. "Alan and I are just friends. I made that very clear to him, Ryder. After last night, I doubt we are anymore."

I sucked my teeth. He shouldn't be his friend. It's clear why Alan still comes around. He does it to see if Ian and I are still together. He doesn't have me fooled the least bit.

"You expect me to believe that he didn't come on to you not once last night?" I continued.

"I can control Alan, Ryder," Ian explained. "He won't be staying over anymore. Trust me."

"Good," I replied glancing across the street to see Miss. Frederick staring at us. She looked away as soon as our eyes met. I hated the way the people on Pear Street looked at me now. Everyone knew about Ian and I's relationship thanks to Alan and that stupid note. It was all they talked about.

How could Erin tolerate that? How could she let that man take advantage of her son like that? I couldn't wait to go back to State and get away from all of this. My mother, this street, Alan - the only person I would miss is Ian.

"Can we talk inside?" I said trying not to notice the neighbors. "Please."

"Sure," Ian said opening his front door. "Take your shoes off when you come inside though. I cleaned up a bit."

A bit? He had done a lot of cleaning it. His house was practically shining. I wonder what made him do that. There wasn't a speck of dust, dirt or hair anywhere.

"Are you expecting company?" I joked. "Or were you just covering up a crime scene? Did Alan really fly back or is he sitting in your freezer?"

Ian chuckled. "You watch way too many movies, Ry. My parents came over yesterday."

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