Chapter Eight: Getting My Feet Wet

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Ian had established that we could be nothing more than friends. But I never followed the rules. I’d always been a bit of a trouble maker even when I was younger. It was clear that Ian had feelings for me, but the question was why he didn’t want to act on them. Maybe he had been hurt before or maybe it was just my naiveté. But I made it my mission to convince him otherwise. I wouldn’t let him push me away. I liked him way too much.

One evening after I had come back from Phil’s house, I snuck out to see Ian. I was keeping the amount of time I spend with Ian to a minimal with my mother. I was afraid she would suspect something. I grabbed Ian’s key from underneath his mat and opened his door, letting myself in.

“Ian,” I called out as I slammed the door shut behind me. But there was no response. Was he not home? I was about to leave when I heard Ian’s voice echo outside. I chewed on my lower lip, as I glanced out his window to see him standing in between his and Mrs. Tillman’s lawn. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, before waving good-bye to him. I rolled my eyes, closing the shade shut as soon as I heard his door open.

Ian flicked the light on, jumping as soon as he saw me. “Ryder! You scared me! What the hell are you doing here in the dark?”

“I was bored so I just thought I’d stop by,” I mumbled running my fingers awkwardly through my hair. “I used the key under the mat.”

“I told you about that key in case of an emergency,” he retorted, sounding a little angry that I had used it. I ignored it, folding my arms across my chest.

“I saw you leaving Mrs. Tillman’s place,” I finally said. “What were you doing there?”

“Nothing really,” Ian said casually taking his jacket off. “She invited me over for dinner.”

Dinner? So, he had eaten with her. I hadn’t seen anyone else leave her house except for him. So it had to have been just the two of them – alone at said dinner. I thought he wasn’t interested in her.

“So it was just the two of you? Like – I don’t know - a date?” I poked further. Ian shook his head, grabbing his laptop from off his desk and plopping it into his lap.

“Not a date- More like a thank you,” he said his eyes focusing on his computer screen.

“Two people? Dinner? At night? Sounds like a date to me,” I retorted as Ian began typing away on his novel. I stared at him awaiting a response, but he didn’t say anything. He was either way too focused on his book or he was just ignoring me. No matter what I was jealous. Sure I spent loads of time with Ian, but just the thought of him having a romantic dinner with Mrs. Tillman kind of sent me over the edge.

Ian’s eyes glanced up from his computer screen for a moment, meeting mine. “So, the ugly green monster has reared its head. What do you want from me? Huh? Do you want to have dinner with me? Or do you want me to swear I’ll never go over her house again?”

His lips drew up in a smile as he teased me. He loved me seeing me so hung up over him and I hated that. I scoffed, trying to act like his romantic evening with Mrs Tillman had gotten to me. “I just want you to admit it was a date.”

Ian closed the lid of his laptop, shaking his head. “It wasn’t a date. It was just dinner. It was completely harmless. I was hungry and she fed me.”

“Oh I’m sure,” I chuckled giving him a devious wink. Ian placed his laptop on the ground, shaking his head. He planted a kiss on my forehead, chuckling to himself.

“You’re actually jealous about this whole dinner thing,” he replied. “It’s cute.”

I shook my head, a smile appearing on my face. “Jealous? No. I just hate to see you leading her on is all.”

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