Chapter 12

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I shook my head I don't have time to think about this with each passing minute my arm is hurting more and more. I went up the stairs as soundless as I can, opening the door just enough to slide myself out. I saw that it was clear and headed towards the entrance door of the house and as soon as I opened the door. I stood there in shocked as I stared at the last person I was hoping to see at my door.


"Wh-," before I could even ask. His eyes started to shine into a darker shade of color. He growled, so deathly it had me startled.

"Who the hell did this to you?!" He growled so lowly. His eyes shifted behind me and his mind clicked like he knew exactly who it was.

He knows.

"I'm going to kill him!"

End of Recap

I've never seen him so angered before. He stormed into my house looking for him. His eyes were wild as if looking for his prey and I knew he was ready to kill.

"Who the hell is down there Annie!"

I felt my heart drop when I saw Skylar run upstairs so quick it took me a while to register and before I knew, it was all over. There was screams, cries, begging, and then silence.

"Skylar," I called I my own voice trembling.

There he was stood at the top of the stairs with blood splattered on his body. Skylar didn't hold any remorse on what he did and that was clear as day. He started to go down the stairs and I was stuck in place. I didn't feel scared for what Skylar did, instead I felt like a heavy weight in my heart disappeared. I knew that killing someone is wrong, but he deserved it.

"Don't cry, Annie." his voice is so sweet. He gently carcasses my cheek bringing in those electric, butterflies. I didn't even realize that I was crying and I knew these were tears of joy.

"What are we going to do? Should we call the police? Should we runaway?" My mind was going haywire.

"Don't worry about it. It's already handled," He picked me up as gently as he could and took me to his car. I didn't ask any questions. I felt exhausted, it was too much for me to handle today.

"I'm taking you home," was what he said before everything went dark.


When I woke again I was staring at a white ceiling, "I'm pretty sure I ain't in heaven."

"That's too soon for you, Annie. There's still much more to look forward too."

There he stood, freshly showered and looking as handsome as always. I couldn't help, but be mesmerized. Everything changed when I met him, he took all the pain away. I felt my eyes watered, "Thank you."

That's all it took for me to say to start crying, uncontrollably and whimpering. At the same time, I also wanted to laugh on the unexpected face he just made. He looked panicked as he tried his hardest to to control himself from grabbing me.

"I'm fine you don't have to hold me in your arms. Your hand is just as good, but make sure to grab my good arm because my left arm ain't looking to good."

He frowned, but held my hand anyway and kissed it. "I'll do anything for you any, just as long as your always safe. If only I got to him sooner. This would have never happened."

"Trust me when I say this, a lot worse has happened before so this is nothing. I'm just glad it's over." He growled, when I said this. His eyes glowing and darkening. It's funny how I find this normal now.

"I wish I could take away all the pain he caused you. I wish I met you before this all started."

"It's over now. He's gone from my life."

Skylar held my hand tighter as if I was going to disappear on him, "This time I won't let you leave my side."

I smiled, "Then don't."

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I hope you like this chapter! I'm sorry for how short this was and how long it took me to publish. I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes that I've made.

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