Chapter 9

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Skylar finally told Annie about what he really is!! 🙈 Lets see if Annie tells her story.🙆🏻

I hope you enjoy this chapter of "My Precious Luna."

Chapter Nine:

I still couldn't believe it with my own eyes, seeing a good looking guy like Skylar hanging out with someone like me is unimaginable, but finding out he's a werewolf is mind blowing. Any normal person would say that werewolves don't exist. That its just a bunch of fairytale, but once again I'm proven wrong.

Skylar grabbed his clothes with his mouth as he went behind a tree to change back. I sat near the lake, waiting for him. Thinking back, it explains so much, the growling and his eyes changing. I should've guessed sooner.

I heard his steps behind me, Skylar sat next to me. He touches the side of my cheek, sending sparks all over. I couldn't help, but lean more into his touch.

He growled, "I want to know who hurt you."

He moved my hair to the side, he started tracing circles between my neck and shoulder, making my stomach fill up with knots. He moved closer, his lips grazing that spot, it had me going crazy. I stopped breathing all together, as he bit down softly.

"Breathe, Annie." He said softly as he kissed that area near my neck. I let out a deep breath, trying to control my wildly beating heart. I saw how his eyes began to get darker, as he kissed that area of my neck again, his teeth, lengthen looking more like a vampire out for blood.

I pulled back, trying to regain my composure, but my attempts were futile. He pulled me, grabbing my waist and pulling me on top of him. I literally felt like I was having a heart attack, the sparks were going haywire. He got close again, to the crook of my neck. I don't know what came over me, but I bared my neck, giving him more access.

He rumbled in response, "Soon."

I shivered, I don't know what's coming over me. This is definitely past the friendship zone, but I can't get enough of it. Is this because he's a wolf? Does he make my emotions go to overdrive? I put my hands on his chest, putting some distance between us.

"S-Skylar, we shouldn't be doing this." I said as I got off of him. I stood up, and started walking back and forth, "We barely know each other and here we are, getting our groove on. It's crazy! I don't plan on being in a relationship that's going to be complicated. My life is already complicated enough. You're a werewolf and I'm a human. It just won't work."

When I stopped pacing, he was already standing. His features returned back to normal, but he had a big grin plastered on his face.

He walked close to me, as he was practically a few inches away, "Did you know that wolves have mates?"

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"Werewolves have soul mates. One person made just for you and no one else. The first sign of knowing your one true mate is their scent, a scent that only real mates are able to identify. The second is the electrifying sparks when contact with your mate and third, the mind link you have with them."

"What are you trying to tell me, Skylar?"

"You're my mate."

I looked at him, waiting for him to say, 'Just kidding,' but it never came. I didn't know how to react or what to say to this. It's not everyday you meet a wolf, only to find out, he's supposedly your mate.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

He growled, "Of course, I'm sure. You think I would make this up."

He wrapped an arm around me, sparks flowing throughout my body, "Don't you feel that, Annie."

His lips went to my ear, "Your scent is intoxicating. I never new that the smell of Coconut and Vanilla could be so enticing."

I didn't know what was going on, my mind was spinning in circles. Every time he lays a hand on me, my mind turns blank. He has too much power over me.

"Mine," he whispered under his breath. I couldn't help but shiver in response. I felt safe the way his strong arms held tightly against me. I've never realized I would ever feel like this again. But happiness doesn't exist for someone like me, the past still haunts me and will always will. Skylar may be strong, but that monster will always have a hold of me.


It was already night by the time I got home. Skylar, of course, insisted on dropping me home, but I also insisted on him dropping me at school. I knew that if he ever found out what actually happens at home. He'll try to get involve and defend me, but that would mean a blood bath. I definitely don't want anyone getting arrested for murder because of me.

Does it even imply for wolves?

I shook my head not wanting to even think about the rules of the wolves. I didn't really ask much about it. I'm still shaken at the thought of being his mate.

Do I need to be with him?

Is there a way for me to get out of this mate bond?

I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to Skylar. His gorgeous eyes, and his striking smile that seems to make my stomach do flip flops.


There's no way of getting out of this one.

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I hope you like this chapter. I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes that I've made.

Annie didn't completely tell Skylar everything! Although, with them being mates, secrets kept will be told.

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