Chapter 2

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Hey, guys! I hope you like the first chapter. There was only a few changes, so I hope it was good.

If your interested in werewolf stories, then please go ahead and read my other story, "Mate Of Mine."

This is the next chapter of, "My Precious Luna

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This is the next chapter of, "My Precious Luna."

Chapter Two:

"Hey, I'm Skylar." said the boy with blue eyes.

I stared at him with wide eyes, he's incredibly gorgeous. Considering that this is high school, this kind of guy is known for being Mr. Popular, or a total playboy. To my defense, I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I've been to plenty of other schools. These kinds of guys only like to have fun and at the end they'll just break your heart. I was fooled once, and since then I decided that it's better not to get involved. It's not like I can have a normal relationship anyway, with Michael around.

"Please, don't talk to me," I said barely a whisper as I looked away from him. I don't want to get involved, I don't need anyone at this moment.

If my ears heard right, I could have sworn I heard a growl. With a bit of hesitation, I look up, his blue eyes were glowing. I felt a shiver down my spine and not in a bad way. It felt like he was literally looking into my soul.

"Everyone take your seats, class is in session."

I didn't know how long we were staring at each other, but I was happy that class has actually started. He sat literally right behind me and I cursed under my breath. I usually don't feel weird when I meet someone new, but for some reason I felt like I was drawn to him.

I could literally feel like holes are being drilled down my back, so I couldn't even concentrate on what the teacher was saying during the whole lesson.

The moment when the bell rang, I hurriedly got up from my seat and I literally made a break for it out of the classroom. If I stayed any longer in that classroom, I could swear to you that my heart would pop out. It was nerve wrecking!

I just went to my next class, I just pretended like nothing out of the ordinary happened. As I entered the classroom, I internally screamed. The guy from my last period class was there! He was sitting right in front of the class, next to a girl with light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

When I walked in, both of them turned to look at me. I didn't pay them much attention as I walked up to the teacher's desk and explained how I don't feel comfortable of introducing myself in front of the class, because I have panic attacks when being in front of an audience. The teacher, Mrs. Robbison, nodded in understanding as she told me to sit anywhere I liked. I went all the way to the back and sat down, ignoring his eyes on me. I'm so weirded out by this, my first day at school is involved with a totally hot weird guy staring at me.

Throughout the whole lesson, I was able to actually concentrate. Art has always been my favorite and drawing always puts me at ease. When Art was over, I then went to History and then lunch, but the only thing I grabbed was an apple, and after that, I headed towards the library. I don't really like the cafeteria, there always so much noise and I prefer to read. It took me a while to find the library, but when I got there, I hurriedly went to the shelves to pick out a book. Mystery and fantasy has always been my favorite. When I found the one I liked, I made my way to the table near a window. I like to read with a nice view of the outside.

Each period passed like a breeze, and soon school was almost over. My whole body shook, I'm terrified of coming home. I prefer to stay at school than being over there. When the last bell rang, I headed to my locker to put my things in.

"Hey, how was your first day?"

I literally jumped up with a fright and turned around to meet Mr. Dreamy. His blue eyes staring right at me and I couldn't help but stare back.

"Fine," I mumbled as I turned away to close my locker, "Do you mind leaving me alone?"

As I turned back, he had a frown on his face, "Are you always this cranky?"

I ignored him, as I started to make my way out. I needed to get home and make dinner before Michael got home. He'll be really pissed if he doesn't see his food on the table.

"I'm Skylar by the way, I'm sure you already know that since I told you before," he said as he followed me, "Do you mind telling me your name?"

I stopped and looked at him, "Can't you bother someone else? I'm not interested."

"I'm interested," he said.

Now I'm intrigued, he wants to play a game and he wants to score, but I don't feel like participating. I've dated guys like these, and I definitely don't want to be played with again.

"Sorry, but I don't want to have another playboy."

After I said that, his eyes darkened, it was abnormal and I took a step back. Glowing and darkening eyes are absolutely not normal.

"Skylar," I turn to see a red head coming towards him, "Calm down, let's take you home."

I looked at both of them oddly and checked to see the time 3:30 p.m, it's been 15 minutes since the bell rang and I need to get home before 4:00 p.m. I just walked away and left them there in the hallway. I had to get home, so ran as fast as I could. Every day was the usual, make food, clean, and be abused. That's my life cycle.

When I got home, I began to make dinner and as soon as I was done. I cleaned the house, throwing away broken bottles and trash left on the floor. When I was done, I went to my room and laid there. I didn't really have homework since it was my first day, so I closed my eyes and slept.

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I hope you like this chapter. I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes that I've made.

I'll update as soon as I can!

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