The Aftermath

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Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter! I'm glad you like the last one. Now, I give you the *cathrineoriginal*


The car ride back took longer than expected. It was obstacles everywhere, and they had to drive around it carefully. Ava looked out on the damage and she could see dead people everywhere. It was a horrible nightmare. And the screaming didn't help. Danny noticed her distress and brought her closer to him, allowing her to bury her face into his chest. Danny repeatedly kissed her head and absentmindedly stroke her arm.

Ava wanted this day to be over. She wanted to see her sister and tell her that she loves her. She wanted to hug Betty and never let go. She really needed a Betty hug right about now. Ava had finally stopped crying, she didn't think she had any tears left. She placed her hand on her belly, hoping that she didn't hurt her little baby by doing all of this. She had to get someone to take a look when the time was right. And it also reminded her that she needed to tell Danny, in case something else happened.

Finally, the car stopped at the hospital and it was utter chaos. Ava found herself going into "nurse-mode." She looked around at all those injured people that needed help.

"Hey, Ava. Come on." Danny said steering her towards the entrance. The noises and the despair were sickening, and it didn't seem as if it was going to end. She looked around to see if she could see anyone familiar, and finally her eyes landed on her sister. She looked so tired and lost, she almost looked defeated. When Evelyn finally saw her sister, she broke down. Her little sister was safe, and she looked well.

"Ava..." Evelyn exclaimed and dropped everything she had in her hands. Ava let go of Danny's hand to meet her sister. Ava jumped into her big sister's arms and they both cried. So much for thinking she didn't have any tears left.

"I'm so glad that you're okay." Evelyn whispered, holding onto her sister for dear life. "I thought that I would never see you again."

"I'm right here, Evelyn. I'm not going anywhere." Ava told her, and that was the truth. She knew she couldn't live without her sister.

Danny and Rafe broke the Johnson reunion as they walked up to them.

"How can we help?" Rafe asked them, and they both new the answer.

"Blood. We need blood. Come on." Evelyn answered, showing them into a room. Ava wasn't sure that giving blood was the wisest thing to do, considering her pregnancy.

"Nurse Ava!" Someone called from behind them. Ava turned to see Dr. Wellington running towards them. "Thank god you're okay. I need your help with a patient. He's not going to make it, and he's asking for you."

Ava didn't think twice about it and let go of Evelyn and Danny.

"I'll be right back. I promise." Ava told them, before running after the doctor.


Ava had a bad feeling about this, and she thought she already knew who it was. Still, she wished she was wrong. Dr. Wellington brought her into the kitchen, which they used for injured soldiers. The screaming and crying were deafening, but that all seemed to go away when she saw him. In the farthest corner, she saw him. Officer Grant. The young boy that she had come to know during her time her.

"Oh, Grant." Ava muttered under her breath. She walked up to him and she could see he was shaking. He was terrified, clinging onto life. She touched his forehead and that made him open his eyes looking around bewildered.

"It's okay, Grant." Ava said softly, trying to ignore the tears in her eyes.

"Nurse Ava is that you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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