First Meeting

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January, 1941

The Second World War was a fact, even though it hadn't reached America yet. Both Ava and Evelyn had much to do, considering the medical tests for the navy. At this moment, Ava and Evelyn was on their way to New York City with the other nurses to meet Evelyn's boyfriend. They had some time off and wanted to spend the day with handsome pilots.

Ava was happy for her older sister, as she never thought about the act of love. She just never found anyone she really fancied. To be honest, she didn't even want to come to this thing but she did it for her sister. Her boyfriend, Rafe, was a good-looking gentleman and he was a sweetheart. His friend was a little strange though and managed to annoy her beyond reason.

Ava looked over at the girls, and they were fawning over Evelyn and her story. Ava understood them, it was taken out of a fairytale.

Ava smiled for herself as the train charged towards New York City.

"I can't believe it" Betty exclaimed, bringing Ava out of her own head.

"Saturday night in New York City. Do you know what they're doing where I come from? Nothing. Cow tipping."

"Well, that's why you joined the navy, hon. To get out of that dusty little town and see the world." Barbara said, patting the young Betty on the leg.

"May I remind you, Barbara, we're nurses, not tourists." Sandra said and Ava had to fight the urge to roll her eyes at her fellow nurse. Evelyn looked over at Ava, knowing how her sister would react, and they silently exchanged looks.

"I joined to do my patriotic duty and to meet guys." Martha said, fixing herself up.

"Me too." Betty exclaimed excitedly. Ava looked over at Betty, her best friend, Betty. She was the cutest of them all, but she was so young. She still had so much to learn.

"Girls, we're going to have so much fun tonight in the city." Evelyn told them and Ava could actually agree with that.

"You've got to tell the story, Evelyn." Barbara exclaimed.

"What?" Martha asked.

"Oh, no. Not the story..." Ava said in a groan. She didn't want to hear the story on how her older sister fell in love, it only reminded Ava on the fact that she wasn't in love, and she was a little jealous.

"Oh, shush Ava!" Betty said, playfully hitting her best friend. "Come on, Evelyn. Tell us."

"Oh, it's such a long story." Evelyn said, trying to get out of it.

"We got time." Martha said with a grin.

"I saw it happen." Barbara said. "And I saw how Ava told his friend to literary get lost."

Everyone looked at Ava, who blushed at the attention she got for it. Evelyn couldn't help but laugh at her little sister, and made herself more comfortable.

"Well, it was about four weeks ago..."


Four weeks earlier

Ava was working at one of the stations with Barbra and Martha. Ava was in a good mood, and when she was, she loved to make fun of Martha, who did not have a good day.

"Oh, come on, Martha. You get to physically stab someone in the butt. You should be thrilled!" Ava said as they prepared their station.

"Thrilled? Ava, we have to stare at pale, unattractive butts all day." Martha grumbled.

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