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Zora's pov

It's been three days since I negotiated with uncle Marcus and Dad about the marriage. We made the agreement that I would be the sole heir to the company in the divorce if the twins decide to cheat on me at some point in the marriage. The topic of children came up, it's like these people are so eager for me to grow up. To save time I said I would have full custody of them with no visitation rights because the twins should have been thinking about their family before they went and made their mistake. This is all hypnotically speaking of course. Taking all this to account I also added that the twins should not know of this agreement because if they truly wanted me as they proclaimed to be then there shouldn't be a problem and they could fulfill the agreements without fail. Dad agreed to the terms quickly but uncle Marcus hesitated for a few seconds before agreeing to my terms.  

His hesitation is not helping the twins' case. Uncle Marcus hesitating means that he knows that the twins does have a chance of fucking up the agreement. Will it doesn't matter. I am being forced into this situation that I didn't want so the least he could do is give me some reassurance.

Since then I tried my best to get along with the twins, which was proven harder than expected. They are very bossy. They tell me what to wear, what/when to eat, where to go, etc. I'm embarrassed to say this I kind of like it but at the same time I hate it. I'm conflicted about my feelings. 

I like it because growing up I was trained to be as obedient as possible. I guess you can say that its one of the habits that doesn't want to go away. Then I hate it because ever since I was brought back everyone babied me and let me do almost everything as I pleased, no one had really tried to tell me what to do. I know it's confusing to understand but that is the best that I can describe my feeling right now. 

Right now the twins and I are eating our lunch, which is rice with chicken and some steamed vegetables all made by them, in our in-suite kitchen. The puppies already ate so I let them  outside in the big backyard to play, except for Licht. His fur is the thickest out of all of them, I'm planning to take him to get groomed. So for now he's laying down under my chair.

 As we were eating I had asked why did they have to put a kitchen within this floor when there's a perfectly good one on the first floor and their response was that the kitchen down stairs was used when we have company and the one we are using right now is only for us. I didn't say anything else cause its obvious that these guys love to flaunt their money around like its nothing. I mean who the hell makes the whole third floor into a condo like style within a mansion? It's unnecessary. 

Its annoying. This might have worked with all the whores that they've been with but not with me. I am as wealthy as them, if not wealthier so I could give two shits about it.

"So are you guys gonna keep spending money on dumb shit like this?" I asked as I played with the food on my plate because I got full.  

"Language, sweets. I know we haven't punished you as we should have these past few days, that is going to change soon. Anyways, spending the money that we get from the company helps with the economy." Mason answered me. I don't know if he's threatening me or not. I couldn't find any changes is his usual cheery voice. I didn't want to go any further say I turned to Jason instead of talking back to Mason.

"Jason? Whats your response to my question?"

"Just as Mason said when we spend large sums of money it helps provide jobs and fluctuates the economy. Now, I noticed that you have been playing with your food for some time, are you full?"

I nodded as I pushed the plate away from me. To be fair they made me eat a big breakfast.

They both looked at my plate with a frown starting to form on their faces.  

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