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Made this long because I made you guys wait long enough.

Zora's pov

After our conversation Dad and mother went to go fill out the paperwork while my brothers lead me to dad's car.

Before we walked out the building I asked if anyone had sunglasses or my colored eye contacts. No one but Zeke had a pair of sunglasses. He let me borrow them until I reached home.

Obviously the car had to be big enough to fit all of us in it but since I have 4 large human sized puppies only I was able to fit in, excluding the driver seat. And being the seat hoggers they are all the seats got filled up. Only leaving the two seats up front.

Sitting up in the front Zachary came to my side, handed me my bag and buckled my seat belt for me.

Looking me at me he began to speak
"Zora show some respect to our parents. They sacrificed a lot for you. You know that right." It was more of a statement rather than a question.

"My respect is earned not given. And if they wanted another daughter they could have conceived or adopted one during the time I was missing. They did nothing for me when I was gone."

"Zora! What the he-"

"Alright thats enough." Dad said coming out of the building with something in his hand and walking straight into the the drivers seat, only giving me a brief glance then looking at Zachary.

"Zach I want you to drive your mother and brothers home. I'm going to take Zora to the office for a while. We might come back late." He says while setting down what I can already guess are my meds.

Zachary sighed heavily and agreed to dad's request. And dad then started to drive.

"Zora Dr.Wilson has prescribed you some vitamins that'll help you gain some weight. At least once a day, at most 3 times, you are to take them."

"Dad y-"

"No if, ands, or but about this. You are to take these."

I didn't want to argue with him anymore so I kept quiet.

Dad has been driving for about half an hour I think and I'm starting to get carsick. I don't think I'll ever get used to being in a car. My pups sensing my uneasiness began to whimper lightly.

"Zora are you getting carsick again?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. Are we almost there yet?" Responding to Dad and resting my head on the head rest of my seat.

"Im about to park in the company garage."


No less than a minute I feel the car stop.

"Alright we're here."

Dad was already out the door and I followed after but before I could close the door Eins and Zwei comes rushing out, almost knocking me over. I was going to open the side door for them but this works too.

"You and your dogs are going to give me grey hairs."

"Dad you're going to get them either way."

Nothing but a sigh left his mouth.

I then opened the side door for the other two to climb out.

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