Lifestyles of The Bitch and Famous

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After learning to understand people and how they work online with social media sites, I took to all platforms to test out just how we really work. I began managing all my friends and families accounts so I could track and analyse social behaviour and patterns online via social media. 

After Noticing a gap in the social media market I had to act. There is the instapopular, instafamous, blue tick tweeps, Facebook legends all these are willing to take likes and comments willingly and with open arms but gave none back. No one would help promote and 'shoutout' fellow like minded networkers. 

This first came to light for me when I made my miniature sausage dog his instagram account @sidley_uk. No other 'instafamous' pets/owners would share/promote other dogs on instagram, why? Dogs don't care about followers or likes. We should celebrate and share our love for animals with everyone. So I began #sidleyshoutouts for Instapets who deserved more recognition gaining each shoutout at least 80-100 new followers from one promo. It was highly successful. 

So I started making all associated accounts similar in the way of breaking down the divide between the 'popular' and the 'unpopular'. As much as it may be seen and treated like a high school cafeteria, social media sites are Infact to share views, opinions and interests with others worldwide. 

I knew I had to get a better more solid following online to put my plan in action so I began. First I had to look like the ones I wanted to appose aka Popular. With tho in mind I took my knowledge and skills and used them to increase each individual accounts followers. After achieving "THE K" (10K or above followers) on my personal IG I went onto others and eventually ended up with 7 instagram profiles all with "THE K" and followers from 10K-29K all in total amounting to 110,000+ followers all from a varied mix of audiences online worldwide. Along with the other smaller profiles my total of active followers reaches 200,000+ on instagram alone. This was a huge achievement for me. 

However I couldn't help but notice as I was now thinner and in all honesty better to look at, I couldn't help but notice people only noticed me after losing weight. Yes the internet can be a shallow place but really this worried me, I have never judged a follower or online friend on the appearance. That defeats the object of social media. The way it is now is that the popular are fakes, pretending to be something and someone they really aren't to influence the online public for whatever reason them Or their endorser has. Anyone being themselves on social media these days don't get recognition, there are so many artists, photographer, writers and more all over social networking sites but because they don't have a large enough following or enough likes on their posts they are disregarded as not worthy. This is where I want to come In And make that change NOW!

A year or so back I began linking all the social media accounts in with one another creating the social networkings equivalent of 'The Brit Pack' this consisted of me @Olly_UK My partner of 9 years @Benji_UK our dog @Sidley_UK and our Friend @Dolly_UK (aka FagHag) they where four total different audiences and following one selfie/personal Boy, one selfie personal Girl, one Nature Photography, one Dog/Animal and pets. All equalling an estimated 72,000+ followers. And over time I slowly integrated the others in with each other, (including a joint account for Olly_UK Benji_UK and Sidley_UK called @ollynben which now has 14K followers due to the linking of all 3 profiles). This helps create a sense of safety, acceptance and security online. I believe it worked and continues to do so due to the pure fact that with me and all the profiles, the followers know that the account users are real people, real personalities and true to themselves and others online. 

This world is becoming a place I'm not proud of being part of in anyway, and as I say Guilty By Association, don't associate yourself with what we are told is the norm in the world. If something or someone says you can't, make sure you remember to not give a F*CK what that low life hater thinks, says or talks about behind your back. F*CK them all. Once you do and realise just how much power it fills you with you won't stop. 

When someone is talking to you and you just know and feel that it is lies, bring them up on it. Be honest. Social media can not affect you in a negative way if you don't let it. You are in charge of your mind and life, remember to take advantage of that.

Now I have begun on my 'quest' to stop the negative social media influencers/influences worldwide, let me say this, NO ONE and NOTHING can stop me now. I do and will 'fight fire with fire', if someone tries to demoralise me or stop me from achieving my dreams. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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