Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed true.

The Cullen's were vampires, there just wasn't any other explanation. They never ate, some just played with their food while others, mostly Rosalie, just sat there with their food completely untouched.

Unfortunately, it also happened to be true that the more I thought about it, the more freaked out I became. Maybe I'd just been in a minor state of shock before, when I'd first realized it about Jasper, but now I was avoiding them. Jasper, Edward and even Bella. I didn't take the offered bike, nor the offered rides, I walked to school a different route so as not to encounter her, and whenever I saw one of them in the hall, I avoided them.

Now I was back to having no friends, not in school, not outside of school, not anywhere.

Vampires were nothing new to me, in fact when I was younger I was completely obsessed with them. When I was thirteen, my friends father was a 'vampire', though it was more of those cult people who try to make themselves vampires, he was still warm to the touch, still ate normal food, just apparently once in a while he was into blood.

Which was kind of disgusting, now that I thought about it.

I scrunched my nose up before yelping as an ice cold hand clamped around my wrist and dragged me into a corner of the now empty hallway. Looking up, I met Edward Cullen's eyes before drifting behind him where Jasper and Emmett also stood, looking as intimidating as ever.

"You know."

It didn't take a genius to realize what they were talking about, and I didn't bother to deny it, I simply nodded, wincing as Edward's grip became a tiny bit tighter. Then it was gone, the grip, and I rubbed my wrist lightly.

"I know what you are, yeah. I don't plan on telling anyone either, if that's what you've come here for."

"It's against the law for humans to know about us, any humans that do tend to be killed."

I shrugged, I wasn't scared. Honestly, dying by vampire seemed a fast way to go. Not that I was fond of dying, but I wasn't fond of living either. "All right, do it then."

Jasper chuckled, shaking his head. "We're not here to kill you, we're here to explain a few things to you. As a human who knows our secret... there's someone coming. Lets move this to the forest."

I gasped as Emmett flung me over his shoulder, grunting as my stomach made impact on his rock hard shoulder, and nearly threw up when we started moving, everything blurred together and it was too fast. Oh way, way too fast.

We came to an abrupt stop and my stomach lurched uncomfortably, but somehow I managed to keep down the half a granola bar I'd eaten this morning as I was finally, thankfully set on my feet, now in the middle of the forest.

"A bit of warning next time would be nice," I grumbled, taking two steps away from the hulking figure of the man who had just carried me out here.

"Sorry," Jasper apologized before sitting down on the ground, in an attempt to look unthreatening if I had to guess at his reasoning. Edward quickly followed suit and soon just Emmett and I were standing. I looked at the large man who seemed oblivious to what the others were doing, then to the other two boys, then back again.

"Sit down, Emmett." I muttered before plopping myself on the dirt and roots. I leaned back on my hands before wincing slightly, pulling myself back up. My shoulders were especially sore after last night at the club, we were one girl short and I was pushed into coming in early and working twice as hard as normal.

Once everyone was seated, Jasper once again took up the talking, which was odd, I thought, seeing as how he never really spoke, at least at the lunch table he never did.

"We dont feed off of humans, we were adopted by Carlisle Cullen and he is what the vampires call a vegitarian. We feed from animals, a vampire who feeds from humans would have blood red eyes while ours are only amber, that's how you tell the difference. We mean you no harm, but if the Volturi, who are the kings of our realm -so to say- were to ever find out what you knew, you'd be in danger. If you ever tell anyone, we will know, and they will know."

Nodding, I shrugged. "Like I said, I dont plan on telling anyone so that's not going to be a problem. Now can I leave? School is over and I have to go home before my family starts freaking out."

Of course.. there was no family. Nobody but Tommy, and he didn't actually care when or if I came home, he was too high to give a damn either way. But they didn't know that, and nobody else could know that. If they knew what a crap guardian Tommy was.. child protective services would be called and I'd be sent to a different home. I didn't want that, as much as I hated Tommy, he was my brother and he needed someone to take care of him.

He didn't have anyone else.

"I can read your mind," Edward muttered, before seeming surprised with himself for admitting it.

I froze, stopping my thought process before standing up. "I'm leaving now."

"I'll give you a ride."

Looking towards Jasper, I decided I liked him the best out of the three and agreed to let him give me a ride. I was expecting a dingy car or truck much like Bella Swans and just about every other student's, but the car I was lead to was anything but dingy. Shiny and sleek and it looked brand spanking new.

Guys probably orgasmed over this car whenever they saw it.

He unlocked the car door before opening the passenger side up for me, and I had to admit, I was surprised. A gentleman vampire, I snickered to myself before setting my butt into the seat, immediately putting on the seatbelt out of sheer habit. The black leather felt warm against my cold legs and back, and I sighed as the warmth seemed to seep into my muscles, relaxing me.

"It's a massage and warming chair, if you want to give those a try," Jasper smiled slightly, taking me aback. I didn't know he even knew how to smile. But a massage chair. That definitely got my attention pretty quickly. I searched for the button before finding it, moaning as it started vibrating. Oh dear jesus, I needed a car like this, I decided.

Jasper seemed to drive slowly, even going under the speed limit at times, but all too soon we were at my dingy apartment complex. It probably cost more to buy the car than it did to build the entire thing.

I felt embarrassed, something I'd really never felt before in my life, but I was. I was embarrassed that Jasper saw this place that I lived, he probably lived in a mansion, I was just a street rat.

"Thank you," I muttered before jumping out of the car and racing towards my apartment to get ready for work tonight.

[[A/N: This one is a bit longer than the last chapter but not by much I dont think. But I hope this makes up for the last one being so short, seeing as how it didn't take me freaking several months before I uploaded again. Please remember that this is a short story, and there isn't much plot to it, or any actually. Its just a fluff book that I write for fun, not something I take super seriously. Thats why the chapters are short! Anyways, enjoy!! Peace and love, Ijay.]]

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