Flashfics Drabble "Beginnings"

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(Author's Note - written for Flashfic Drabble challenge - 100 words exactly on the theme of beginnings and endings)

Rex Vander, CEO of SpaceEnt, raised his glass and beamed at the assembled crowd. "To new beginnings!"

He gazed proudly around the inside of the generation ship. Endeavour was humanity's last hope, complete with seeds, tools, survival kits, everything they would need to establish themselves on a new world. Soon, he, along with Earth's brightest minds, and some who were simply extremely rich, would go into cryopods for the long journey ahead. The future was uncertain, but Earth was no longer an option; storms, soaring temperatures, rising seas choked with plastic.

In central Australia, the Anangu Pitjantjatjara continued hunting kangaroo.

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