Here's What Happened...

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The next thing I knew after not complying with what Peter told me to do, I was shoved up against a tree and he was all up in my face like acne cream.

His hot breath brushed against my face and I was surprised it smelled like peppermint.

"You're going back to my tree house, Love," Peter smirked. "Or I will never, ever..."

I didn't get to hear the last words because the last thing I remember was that our lips were intertwined.

His lips were soft, sweet, and quite moist, but all in all, it felt good. I never thought kissing a demon like him would be so breathtaking. We were just there, kissing each other passionately, not wanting to stop 'till we were both out of breath.

I didn't want to stop, if this was a dream, I don't ever want to wake up.


"Y/N...?" I heard a familiar voice say.

Breaking the kiss, I immediately snapped my head towards the direction of the voice.

Standing right there was the last person whom I wanted to see me kissing Peter.

Henry. A poor innocent boy, tearing up there right in front of me. A poor innocent boy whose life shouldn't be like this.

I felt terrible.

"Henry...I-" I stuttered.

He was shaking his head, tears pouring out now.

"I thought you were my sister...." He choked out

"I am!" I insisted. Can someone please punch me now?

Henry shook his head and ran away.

"Henry!" I shouted after him.

I watched his figure fade into the forest. My eyes were starting to well up with tears now.

"Now, now, Love..." Peter said. His hands wrapping around my triceps. "It's going to be alri-"

"NO!" I shouted at him. "You demon!"

I shook his hands off.

"You knew this. You played me with your stupid little mind games!" I yelled. "Arrghh!!!"

I but my lip to hold back tears.

"You're tearing my family apart!" I continued to shout. "You have a soul darker than night!"

Peter just stood there. Surprisingly, he had a small frown on his face. He was hurt. But I was too angry to even care.

"You made me betray my mother! My friends!" I choked. "You're manipulating me to turn away from my own life!"

Looking behind me, I could keep reimagining Henry's hurt face, and him running into the woods.

"You took Henry away from me. The only one who understood me!" I poured out all my anger.

I stopped. Breathing in and out heavily. Looking at Peter dead in the eye.

"If you ever die," I said. "Burn in hell."

I turned and ran after the direction Henry went to.

"Henry!" I called after him.

No answer.

"Henry?" I called again.

Oh, Henry. I'm so sorry.

Finding my way to the Echo Caves, I went inside and had a really good cry.

I sobbed into my hands. I should've never come to Neverland. Now I'm all alone. I've hurt everyone I knew and left everything I had.

Peter, you're a monster.

Looking at the cuff on my wrist...I began picking at it with my hand.

I was trying to pull it off.

I was just mad at myself right now. How could I let Peter just do that? How did I not see that coming?

I contemplated about my mistakes as if pulled at the cuff.

The more I kept repeating everything I did and what Peter did to manipulate me, the angrier I became.

The next thing I knew, the cuff glowed yellow, practically blinding me, then it came right off.

I stared at it in shock.

It...came...right off my wrist...whaaaaaat.

To make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I tested my magic by making my backpack reappear on my shoulder.


There it was.

But this is impossible. How am I able to get out of Peter's trap? He did create it didn't he?

Casting a cloaking spell around it, I placed it carefully into my bag. Pulling out my notebook and my pencil, I began to write.

If I didn't mention it earlier, I'm a big fan of music. So I write some songs of my own.

I began scribbling on the notebook. Writing all my anger out.

On some days, when I don't feel like writing a song, I write journal entries. Right after my song, I wrote a journal entry.

Hey, it's me, Y/N.

I haven't written in awhile, mainly because everything that's been happening to me is so bizarre and out of this world.

I'm stuck on Neverland. I'm stuck with a demon named Peter Pan. I betrayed my adopted brother-Henry Mills. I'm the daughter of the Evil Queen. I possess magic.

I'm surrounded by Disney characters that aren't supposed to be real.

I can't figure out if I'm in love, or not.

I miss being the old me.

I never thought I'd even ever say this, but I want to go back home. Because I'd choose that over all this drama any day.

-Y/N L/N

Putting my notebook and pencil back into my bag, I used it as a pillow and curled up into a ball.

Cautious not to fall over the edge and into the dark abyss of the Echo Caves.

Closing my eyes, I felt a tear slowly roll down my cheek.

Home. I want to go back home.

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