I Take A Permanent Move

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I woke up to find myself inside a tree house. Then, I saw Peter pacing about. When he saw me, his face was filled with relief.

"Stars above!" he exclaimed. "I thought you were had!"

He ran up and hugged me.

"Um..how long was I out?" I asked, confused by his sudden act.

"You were out for approximately three days, seventy-two hours, one hundred and sixty-five minutes, and thirty-one seconds."


We were in this position for awhile longer and I was starting to feel kind of awkward. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I took a deep breath and inhaled his scent.

He smelled like pine and mint. The smell of a Christmas Morning. It was lovely. Sadly, it wasn't as amazing as the boy who was hugging me.

Evil and Christmas don't go good together.

But his attractiveness does.

Oh, Y/N! Snap out of it! He's a bloody demon for Evil Queen's sake!

"Um, you c-can get off m-me now." I stammered as I lightly pushed him away.

"Why love?" He asked. "Afraid you'll fall for me?"

"Like anyone would fall for you." I retorted.

"Unfortunately, you're not anyone. You're Y/N." He pointed out. "Come on, Y//N. We both know you want me, stop denying yourself."

"I'm not denying myself." I simply said. "You're just making me believe what you want me to believe."

"I'm not making you believe. Because you're already believing."

"We may be on Neverland, but that is too impossible for even Neverland itself to believe."

"And what is that?" he smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Loving you." I replied. I sounded so cold to even myself, I'm pretty sure I could star in Frozen as a real live Elsa.

I stood up from the bed that smells strangely the same to Peter and walked out of the tree house.

"Go, and leave. But we both know that in the end, you'll fall for me, whether you like it or not." He called from above as I climbed down.

This dude sure has a lot of ego issues.

"Everyone knows you slept in my tree house and on my bed!"

That last one made me freeze.


Everyone knew I slept in his bed? Wait, did he sleep with me or did he sleep somewhere else?

I realized I've been standing on that rope ladder for who knows how long and I soon continued to climb down.

Stupid Lost Boy and his stupid mind games.

Although, I'd have to be honest, Peter plays with everyone's minds like it's something normal. He manipulates you with your thoughts. He mixes them up and says words that makes you confused. Confused about if he knows something or not.

And you'll never really know what his master plan is. Or what his point is of saying something like that, you know?


That night, during dinner, while Piper was playing her silver and gold Pan, Peter extinguished the flames from the camp fire and stood there.

"Alright, boys." He began. "Settle down."

None of them seemed to notice as they continued playing with knives and having target practice. Surprisingly, no sign of Henry.

"Alright, settle down or I'll feed you to the mermaids!" He warned.

The Lost Boys complied at once. And everything was quiet for a moment. 

"I would like to make an announcement." He explained.

"Okay, Peter. Just say it, you don't have to be all formal for my ears' sake." Piper butted in.

Peter shot her a small glare but she didn't seem to care. He cleared his throat.

"As I was saying, I would like to say that I'll be welcoming a new permanent inhabitant of Neverland!" he cheerfully said. Emphasizing the word permanent.

I thought. Henry? Is that why he wasn't here? Was it because he was preparing for the new membership parade? Henry couldn't be a permanent inhabitant! He needs to make it back to Storybrooke!

"Please welcome, Y/N Y/L/N!" Peter exclaimed. 

My mouth dropped open.


No one made a sound. It seemed they were as surprised as I was. It was so frickin' quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Someone just say something, already!

Piper cleared her throat. "Welcome to Neverland, Y/N. Enjoy your permanent stay." then she flew off.

"Okay, you're all dismissed. Now piss off!" Peter ordered and began flapping his hands to 'shoo' the Lost Boys away.

That's when it all became clear to me.

This was all part of Peter's plan.

He made sure I was going to get hit by the arrow.

To get me to drink the water.

So that I'd be forced to stay, otherwise, I'd die.

That little bas-

"This was all your plan!" I shouted so suddenly even Peter was shocked. A few Lost Boys who were left turned their heads towards my way, but I only ignored them.

"Love, I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter calmly said, cocking an eyebrow.

"Cut me with your dumb act!" I snapped. "You know well what I'm talking about."

"Technically, I really don't." 

"Oh, yeah?" I said. "You wanted me to stay. You knew I had no choice!"

Peter smirked at me, confirming my assumption.

"Argh!" I turned on my heal and faced the forest ahead of me head on.

And for once, he didn't stop me.

I walked deeper into the forest, somehow getting lost.

What an amazing turn of events!

I sighed and kept walking. I stopped at an edge of a cliff, overlooking the sea.

Pulling the hood over my head, I continued to look. Skull Rock was right there, looking nasty as ever in the darkness. I looked right below me and saw that within the vast sea, there was a small dingy docked at the beach.

And weirder, there were footsteps trailing from it.

My mind began racing. The gears, twisting and turning.

There were footsteps. It's got to be my mom and the others!

I stood up to go and look for them when I suddenly got hit on the back of my head.


I felt myself collapsing as my eyes slowly closed.

Worst kidnap ever....

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