Hide and Seek the Musical

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*Its best to play it at the right time. I'll let you know somewhere in the story*


"Hey, wait up!" I shouted after Peter as he continued to walk. "Define, killing..."

"Stars above!" he exclaimed. "Are you stupid or something?"

"Excuse you. But I am most definitely not stupid." I retorted.

"Then why would you ask me what the definition of killing is?"

"Well, maybe because Hide and Seek isn't supposed to have killing. "

"That's why I said there was a twist." Peter rolled his eyes. "Besides, you're in Neverland. Anything is possible."

Once me and Peter got to the main area, the Lost Boys were dancing, Piper was playing a Pan, and Henry was unconscious on the ground.



"Henry?" I called out loud. But he didn't budge. "What have you done to him?" I exclaimed as I rushed over.

I was about to kneel down and examine Henry when two very strong arms grabbed me.

Damn these Lost Boys.

"Now, now, Y/N." Peter mused. "You're not here to see little 'ole brother. You're here to play Hide and Seek!"

The Lost Boys laughed as I was thrown on the ground. And might I add, on my face.

"Just to be fair, me and the Lost Boys, including Piper, will be it." Peter explained.

"What's so fair about that?" I complained as I brushed the dust off my clothes.

"You're small...no offense," He said then continued. "You can hide anywhere. And don't worry, no one's going to use magic unless necessary. And that includes you."

Piper stopped playing her instrument, although, I wanted to admit, she wasn't producing music. At all.

She approached the group and smirked.

"The game begins now." she announced. "And Y/N, I suggest you get running."

Peter stood beside her and unsheethed his dagger, holding it up in the air.

"Come on boys!"

He looked back at me and smiled evilly.

"Let's play."


Let me just say I'm not good at playing games when I'm rushed.

I darted into the woods in a hurry as I heard the laughter and screams from the Lost Boys fade.

I face planted three times and tripped half a dozen times.

As I ran I heard a very annoying ringing coming from deep inside my skull.

Then music. Then animal noises.

The weirdest thing was that they seemed to be coming from deep inside my mind, and nowhere else.

I climbed up a nearby tree and settled on one of the highest branches. Hopefully they wouldn't find me here.

I am so done with Neverland.

I could've sworn I heard the Lost Boys imitating wolf howls through the night. "Please...just wake me from this nightmare I'm living in." I pleaded quietly.

I looked down and saw one of the youngest Lost Boys staring up at me with a crossbow. Oh hell no!

I  still had the cuff on my hand, so I couldn't really use magic.

And guess what? That little asshole shot me. 

On the shoulder. 

It really hurt.

I lost balance and fell off the tree backwards.

My head hit the ground and now, not only was my shoulder aching, I think I broke my skull. And Peter and his Lost Boys didn't even bother to stop cheering and chanting.

Goodness. Would you guys just shut up already? I'm on the verge of dying, you idiots!

But of course, none of those animal-wannabes stopped.

I glanced at the Lost Boy. He was sitting right below the tree, peacefully watching me. I looked at my shoulder, shockingly, there were tiny black veins erupting all around it.

It wasn't long before Peter, Piper, and the rest of the Lost Boys found me.

I was surprised when Peter looked surprised I was lying on the ground helpless, with an arrow on my shoulder. He ran up to me, cradling me in his arms as he examined the wound.

"Dreamshade..." he cursed under his breath. Oh, so that's what it was. "Which one of you used poison coated arrows when I specifically told you not to?"

No one answered.

I suddenly felt dizzy. My eyelids were getting heavier. I found it quite hard to breathe.

"Peter." Piper said. "I think you should deal with the culprit later," she pointed at me. "The poison's about to reach her heart. Y/N won't have long 'till we get the water."

Then I blacked out.

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