I Take A One Way Ticket To An Imaginary Island

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Published: June 14 2018
Edited: January 1 2019


The gates were closed when I got there.

"Of course, I should've known. Park is always closed after eight pm..." I mumbled to no one in particular.

The lock was too big, no luck in breaking it. Though, I haven't actually...broke one.

Just then, I had an idea.

The gate wasn't that high up, so....you can guess what I just did.

Duh, I climbed it.

I felt the cold metal against my palm as I wrapped my fingers around one of bars.

To be honest, I was a bit scared someone might catch me during my...mission. I climbed up the gate quickly, but quietly.

I removed my earphones and placed them into my bag as I walked deeper into the park.

I tripped on a rock, but well, that happens. I stopped and picked up that rock.

I closed my eyes and threw it, I heard a loud thud.

Surprisingly, I knew what tree the rock hit. The smell of plants got stronger as I neared the tree.

"Alright, let's get this over with," I said to myself.

"I BELIEVE!" I shouted into the darkness with all my might. Then I waited, following exactly what the instructions said.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Have you ever tried waiting? (of course you have, but I'm trying to make a point, here.) Well, it's not easy. I've been sitting under that tree for about two hours already.

"This is stupid." I mumbled and stood up to leave.

Then, the wind started to blow really strongly and suddenly, this black figure, more like a shadow, came from above and started to fly, levitate, whatever—towards me.

It extended its hand towards me. I assumed it wanted to take me somewhere.

"So, do I just...take it?" I asked the mysterious creature, it replied with a nod.

I was about to reach for its hand when a bright glow shone ever-so-brightly behind me.

I turned around and an arm shot out of the bright...thingy and grabbed hold of my left hand.

I glanced at the shadow, noticing that it was in a panic.

The hand started pulling me towards what looked to be a portal and the shadow immediately grabbed my right hand.

After pulling at my arms on what seemed like....forever, the shadow lost its grip and I fell into the portal with the...hand.

That sounds wrong.

I found myself sitting on the hard, cemented ground surrounded by people.

My (e/c) eyes wandered around my surroundings for a few minutes when a woman with a black coat, short black hair, and black heels approached me.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

I stood up and brushed my pants off.

"Yes, um, where am I?" I asked her in reply.

When I faced her properly, she froze. Was it something on my face? I just stared at her blankly as she kept looking at me.

Then, this boy with a striped scarf around his neck stepped forward.

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