Wait, what?

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YOUR POV (once again...)

We arrived at what seemed to be some kind of camp. Boys wearing different kinds of animal skin clothing danced around a campfire while a boy played music. To be honest, I couldn't exactly hear the music.

"Hey, Peter!" Peter Pan-who was standing beside me-called to...well, himself? "I found her on shore."

The boy playing music, put his pipes down and pulled off his hood.

I looked at the boy, then back at Peter, then back at the boy again. They both looked exactly alike. "Wait, what?" I asked.

The Peter beside me shot me a 'shut up' look ad walked over to Peter Pipes Guy.

Then they talked for awhile.

*pretend you've been standing there for a long time and your legs were already starting to ache*

I've been waiting for them to finish talking foreverrrrrr.

Finally, they both turned towards me again. "Tell me, why are there two of you?" I asked, trying to begin a conversation. Then Peter Pipes Guy pointed at the Peter who brought me here.

"Woah!" I suddenly cried out, surprised. The Peter who brought me here, his hair...began to grow longer?? Yeah, it began to grow longer. His lips became much thinner and pink. The cuffson his hands disappeared and there were finger-less gloves around his hands. His eyes became a shade darker and the leggings turned into tights and changed to the color black.

He looked like...a girl.

"Y/N, meet my twin sister, Piper Pan." Peter Pipes Guy-or should I say just Peter- said. He didn't seem to excited to introduce her though. Looks like Peter wasn't too fond of her. "She shape shifts as you can see."

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I asked suspiciously. "I never told you."

"Magic, duh." Peter rolled his eyes. "Didn't you read about me on the ship?"

"Of course, magic is always the reason." I said sarcastically. Though none of the siblings seemed to notice.

Piper wasn't in any of the books though, I thought. Her shape shifting must have caused her to rarely be seen.

As if reading my mind, she said "Yes, it's the reason." Piper smirked. "I was actually born thirteen seconds before my brother."she bragged. "I also have his powers."

"Yet! She still follows my orders." Peter huffed.

"Yeah, for our bargain!" Piper retorted. "I'll go scan the perimeter, you know sister duty."

As she was leaving, her hair grew shorter and blond. And then she was wearing a cloak and holding a big club in her right hand.

Peter laughed a bit. "Call her Felix, for now."

After awhile, I started to notice that I was sweating. Of course, I was still wearing my hoodie. On an island without airconditioning whatsoever.

Peter seemed to take notice and said,"My sister seems to be your size." he remarked. "You can wear her clothes if you'd like."

I nodded slowly and he motioned for me to follow him.

After I entered the tent Peter marked as his sister's, I took a look around. It was awesome. Bigger in the inside than the outside. A normal looking wooden bed, a desk with a mirror that had dust on the edges, and a huge wooden chest with clothes inside.

I walked over to it and rummaged through Piper's clothes. I have to admit, they were a mess. But what do you expect when you live with a bunch of boys?

Anyway, I went for a F/C t-shirt, F/C arm warmers, black shorts, and black tights. I fixed up in front of her mirror and noticed a leather belt hanging from one of her tent poles. I took it and hooked a dagger I found onto the belt. I stuffed my old clothes back into my backpack and walked out.

Outside, Peter was waiting impatiently. "Is that how long girls take to change?" he asked.

"Oh, please." I sighed dramatically. "As if your sister doesn't take this long."

"Actually, she doesn't." he replied. "Anyway, now that you're all dressed, let's go to where you're staying."

As I was following him, I thought. Did he really prepare a place for me to stay in? I felt so special. But of course I had to remind myself what I was really here for: Henry. But I gotta admit, Peter Pan doesn't seem as bad as they say in the books. He looks breathtaking even. Plus, he even gave me a nice place to stay in.

Or so I thought.

We stopped under a tree and Peter snapped his fingers. A cage coming down quickly by itself. I'm staying in the cage? Oh, hell no!

"Serious?" I asked him as he motioned for me to enter.

"You think I'm playing right now?" he raised an eyebrow.

I groaned and was a bout to step in when he grabbed my wrist. "I almost forgot." he said. "To put this on you..."

He pulled something out of his pocket, it looked like a black leather cuff. I read about this. What was it again?

Before I knew what it was, he already placed it around my wrist. "Now, in you go." he said and urged me into the cage.

I just sat down and the cage door immediately closed shut and I was lifted up into the air with magic.

"Get some sleep." Peter said. "You need all the energy you can get for our game later."

"Game?" I asked. "What game?"

He turned around. "You'll see," he replied, the smug grin evident in his words. "But tired players are excluded."

Peter disappeared after that last remark and I was left with a wooden cage-twenty feet up in the air, no magic, and no choice but to take a short nap.

And so I did.


I was awoken by someone throwing pebbles at the cage. I looked down to see Peter with a handful of pebbles.

"What?" I asked in annoyance.

"It's time to play." He said devilishly.

I groaned and turned away from him. I closed my eyes again, wanting to get more sleep.

This time the cage began shaking. "Come on," Peter whined. "Let's play already!"

I looked back at him in annoyance. His hand was shaking in sync with the cage. Magic.

"Fine." I gave in.

As he brought the cage down, I asked him. "So what's the game?"

"Hide and Seek," he replied. "With a twist."

Peter pulled me out of the cage and we began walking to the main camp area.

"What kind of twist?" I asked suspiciously.

"Once person number one finds person number two," he explained. "He...or she, must injure that person."

"Injure?" I asked in disbelief.

He looked down at me-stupid height difference!-like I should've gotten the game's objective already but he shrugged and simply replied.

"Don't worry, killing is totally allowed."


Hope you guys like this chapter! Sorry for the long update!


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