Chapter 5

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He was absolutely beautiful, but I had the faintest feeling that I should run. Shaking the feeling, I walked up to him, only to be held back by invisable forces. I looked up and gasped. The man was right in front of me. His peircing green eyes bore into mine, but I couldn't tell what they were hiding. His face was a mask, but the eyes were yelling at me. Then, he tried grabbing my wrist, but he couldn't. A look of pain, confusion, and anger all combined came to his face and I felt terrible, as though it was my fault. I opened my mouth to say something, but he turned around and walked away. A feeling of emptiness overwhelmed me and then I realized he had made me feel like me, even when I couldn't touch him. Tears came streaming down my face and then the sobbing came. He had left me and I knew he wasn't coming back, whoever he was.


I woke up crying hysterically, holding onto my doll like it was the only thing keeping me alive. The tears kept coming for hours, well into early night hours. After the wierd attack of tears, I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't get comfortable, so I turned and looked out the little bit of window I had. The moon was shining with a few clouds flying past, like in my stories. I sighed and prayed that I may one day actually play under the moon and the brilliant stars. The stars twinkled, and soon I was lost in them, trying to see as many as I could. A movement in the trees pulled me from the beauty above, and had me searching for an aminal. I was expecting a rabbit, or maybe a deer, but instead, there was nothing. Then all of a suddenly I heard my front door slam shut. I gasped and whipped my head around, trying to stop my breathing. It sounded way too loud to my ears. The footsteps came straight to my door, then stopped. I tried slidding under my covers, but my bed made a HUGE creak. Closing my eyes as tightly as possible, I started praying the thing would just go away and leave me alone. I hadn't heard anymore steps, so I knew 'it' was still outside my door, but I couldn't stand it anymore. My muscles were too tired from the awkward position I was in. Sliding more, I ignored another creaking from my bed till I was laying down. I refused to hide under my covers however. Grabbing my doll, I started praying again, not looking at anything except my door. Apperantly, my prayers were going to go ignored, because to my extreme horror, my door started slowly opening. In terror, I dove under my covers and started whispering the Lord's Prayer. 'It' obviously knew I was here, so I didn't care if it heard me or not. The steps cept getting closer to me, but I never faultered in the prayer. The steps stopped, and I knew it was on the other side of my room. I recited the prayer two more times out loud before reciting it in my head. The steps started getting closer to me, and my heart was racing. I started feeling light headed, like I was going to die before it got to me. The steps stopped and I heard it breathing. It never lifted my covers or touched me. It never talked or made a noise except for it's breathing. Finally after what felt like forever, it slowly walked out my room and closed my door. I let my muscles unclench and I let out a shakey sigh. I was shaking and unbelievebly cold, even under the coovers. Holding myself, I thanked God for keeping me safe and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep however till I heard it leave the house. Before sleep came I made the decision I was going to keep this to myself. Mother was already freaking me out and Father would just get angry and start boarding the house so no one could come or leave. After making the decision, I closed my eyes and pulled the covers closer, with images of angels coming to mind.

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