Chapter 4

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That night I felt a little more prepared for the mysterious walking. I fell asleep under my blankets so I wouldn't have to worry about that, and my doll was with me under the blankets too. At first the walking was like it was every night, loud, making me wake up, and continuous, like whoever it was just kept walking. But after a while, the footsteps did something different. They would periodically stop. Once, I guessed the person stopped in the kitchen, and then on the other side of my wall. The walking started getting closer to my door, and that's when my heart started racing. My hands got clammy and my breathing came in and out in little puffs of air. Then, the steps stopped.....on the other side of my door. I held my breath, but my heart pounded on, if not speeding up and getting louder. Then, the person walked away, and then I heard the front door close. I sighed and got out from underneath the blankets, surprise washing over me. Why had the person stopped during his walk tonight? I was thinking of the change of patterns when I noticed something was wrong, and I felt like I was being watched. I froze for a second, trying to hear if anyone was in my house, but I didn't hear anything. Then I glanced around my room. That's when I noticed the little light from my window was gone. I quickly turned around, but just as i did, what or who ever was there left at the same moment. I panicked and screamed, causing my parents to rush into my room only moments later.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? What happened?" my frantic mother asked, holding my face as father searched my room for anything out of the ordinary.

For some reason I felt like I couldn't tell either of them about what really happened, so instead I said,

"Nothing, it was just a bad dream. I'm sorry I woke you up."

Both of them sighed at the same time, father running his hand through his hair, mother putting a hand over her heart. They both told me to get some sleep and left a few minutes later. I snuggled under my blanket and hugged my doll, but I was still too worried that something was watching me, and waiting.

The rest of the night was uneventful, though my dreams had been haunted by evil little things that I thought were going to kill me.

The next day, I woke up to hearing my mother crying. Curious, I put my ear to the door and listened to her talking to my father.

"Martin, I don't know what else to do! He just keeps coming, and her reaction last night....I almost had a heart attack when I heard her scream."

"I know Elise, but we can't give up hope. We'll go to the priest again, ask for more of the water. We won't let that monster take Rose."

I leaned away from the door, letting the talk seek in. Something or someone was after me, he was evil and a demon if their going to the priest, and it's been in the house. Connecting the dots, I gasped as realization hit. The foot steps, they're from whatever keeps coming. Again, I thought of calling my mother to tell her everything, about the light going out by my window, and the guy that was outside it when she went to the market, but I got a gut feeling I should keep it to myself.

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