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To say it was awkward would be a understatement, as my leg bounced under the table and Dani snickered to herself as she watched me become more uncomfortable as the seconds passed.

"You know she could be in jail because of the things she's done? Like from beating up kids for no reason?" I choked on my water and Lauren looked over at Christian with a glare as she put her hand on my thigh.

"Uh in full honesty I'd probably just get community service because of my age but in a couple of months or so then jail would be a option."

Dani broke the silence by chuckling, causing Joey to aswell. "always such a smartass" Lauren whispered over into my earas I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I did nothing, he came for me" I clenched my jaw as he looked over at me and rolled his eyes. Lauren grabbed my clenched chin and kissed my cheek until I finally relaxed and she pulled away and gave me a soft smile before eating again.

"So what do you do when your not at school?" I look up and smile lightly at Lynne as I sat up straighter "I do softball, track, and volleyball, work, and recently I've been helping them with their videos, and hanging out with Lauren and friends but mostly Lauren"


"dad she couldn't if she did sports" I nodded and looked down at my right hand to see my fingernails had cut into my plam. I just closed my hand again and look down at my now empty plate.

"Are you enjoying the fame? I see you only post pictures of Lauren when seems fitting?"

"Christian that's enoug-"

"No you know it's great not being able to go to school without being slut-shamed or called a golddigger. Or go out in public and have everyone say that your not good enough for the person you dating which you already know but their words still hurt you know? Or when you've lived your whole disgusted by attention and now your face is on magazines. I dread that so much to an extent nobody will ever understand, but you know why I still date and posted pictures of your sister. Because I love her. And it would be shame if I kept that from the world."

"And now if you will excuse me, I need to go, thank you so much Lynne it was great meeting you and you husband and I'll be finding myself out"

I quickly got up and headed for the door and looking back, knowing I had my keys and that was really the only thing I needed to leave. I opened and tried to shut the door but it didn't, so knew somebody was following.

I felt her grab my wrist and it sent butterflies to my stomach. "Wait Asher let me speak before you leave" Lauren dropped my wrist and look at ground.

"Look I'm sorry for the mess that happened in there, and for my brother. I don't know what to think about it. But I'm sorry. Everyone else loved you, even somehow my dad. He's never been like this but it doesn't make me love you any less. You handled it as best as you could and that would have been better than me."

"Wait what did you say?"

"Do you really want me to repeat that whole thing because I don't" she ran her hand through her hair and looked around softly. "No, what did you say after your brother has never acted like this"

"It doesn't make me love you any less, you admitted your love for me infront of my family the least I could do is say it you in private"

I grabbed Lauren neck and smashed our lips together, she gasped but quickly responded with a second. Kissing me back I snaked my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"God I fucking love you Lauren, so much. It's probably unhealthy how much I fucking love you Lauren Cimorelli"

"I love you too Asher Serna but can we leave? I'm really not in the mood to be around my brother right now"

You've Been The Change (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now