meeting mom and drama

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I pushed myself out of my bed, my feet hitting the ground and I opened my phone up. I rolled my eyes at the random Snapchats from people I didn't like. It's literally been 3 days and people are already trying to social climb off of someone who doesn't even want fame. I turned off my Instagram notification and deleted my Twitter right after Lauren's fans found me. I got up and threw my hair in a messy bun, pulling some hair out.

I showered and turned my music on, thankfully almost nobody lived in my apartment complex. I changed into black ripped jeans, my softball jersey and my dark blue high top vans. I braided my hair because it took to much time to do it at my games. I texted Christina if the other girls were awake and what their Starbucks orders was.

She texted me back saying only Katherine, Lauren and her were awake and what they like. I said I would be over in less than 30 and not to tell any of them, I grabbed my backpack, dufflebag and my letterman jacket. I locked my door and drove to get their drinks as well as mine.

I got a weird look for the girl working the window but I would be surprised if a girl alone orders 7 coffees. I thanked her after paying and tipping her. I drove to the Cimorelli house, I'm thankful that they are staying at the same house until their family comes back. I managed to get all the coffees in my hands with the drink holder, I knocked on the door with my foot.

Christina open the door and grabbed a couple of the drinks and thanked me. I smiled and nodded as she lead me around the house, it was beautiful.

"Nice house" she agreed with my comment as we walked into the kitchen. I placed the drinks down and said I would lead myself out.

"No stay for a few minutes before you leave" I gave in after she started pouting, I messed up her hair as she squealed and started hitting my shoulder.

"Who's killing you this time Christina?" Lauren came down the stairs looking at her phone with a slight frown.

"Nobody, what's wrong?" Christina pushed me to the floor next to the island in the kitchen so I guess Lauren wouldn't see me. I heard Lauren pull out a barstool and sit down on it with a exhale.

"Asher isn't responding to my texts and I feel like I did something wrong, we were going so well. What if I scared her off with the whole fame thing?" I crouched and walked around the island getting behind her. I pulled out my phone and turned it on, I frowned at the 3 message I didn't respond to that she sent.

"Lauren this girl is whipped for you, I don't think you could scare her away if you tried. She's probably driving to school or doing something at her house. Don't worry" I could hear Christina trying to convince her very hard.

"I don't know, maybe she trying to distance herself. Maybe I shouldn't go to her game tonight" I stood up and wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her tense up and turn her head to look at me.

"I'm not distancing myself, I'm not overwhelmed by the fame, you perfect, I was just driving here to get you and your sister coffee. Don't think that I wouldn't want you in my life" I hugged her tightly and kept kissing her temple until she relaxed and turned to kiss me. I smiled and kissed her back as Christina groaned and told us to get a room.

"You scared me, I thought I pushed you away!" Lauren hit my shoulder and I faked injury, causing her to gasp.

"Fuck I'm sorry" I opened my eyes wide at her as she cussed, it was extremely hot. Christina started scolding her as I just bit my lip while looking at Lauren. She just rolled her eyes at Christina and didn't pay attention, causing Christina to grab her coffee and leave the kitchen.

"Finally" Lauren said as she got out of her chair and walked around to get her drink, "also thank you, you didn't have to"

"I know but I wanted to" I smiled at her as she jumped up on the counter like how she did at my apartment.

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