Convincing Them

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Fingers ran through black tresses as Nell let out a heavy sigh. Her hand came to rest on her smooth cheek, which was odd since she was a dwarf, but her family never cared that she had no beard like the other dwarrowdams. With another heavy sigh, she steeled her gaze. She wasn’t backing down anytime soon. Nell had been arguing with the two in front of her for over an hour. She wanted to join them on their quest. It pained her to think of being left at home never knowing if they were alive or safe, if they were eating enough, where they were. She couldn’t do it; the mere thought of being separated from them caused a physical pain in her chest.

 She couldn’t do it; the mere thought of being separated from them caused a physical pain in her chest

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Every since they had met as children they had been inseparable. It wasn't strange to find her sword training with them, or running through the woods. They often pulled pranks on the other dwarves together. At night when it was time for them to head home they would cry until their parents gave in and let her stay at their house or them at hers. Eventually instead of trying to seperate them they were just asked which house they would be staying at. They had been dubbed the tricky three. You never saw one without the other two. As they grew they realized the reason they were so close was she was their one, their soulmate. She was always supposed to be with them; love them, take care of them, and them her. However they were now telling her they would be going on a journey, a dangerous one at that, and they didn't want her coming.

Nell was a fighter just like they were. She knew how to wield a sword and fire a bow. Plus she had some skills in healing. Having her along would be helpful. They didn't see it that way. All they saw was her being in danger. Like telling her there would be danger was going to make her want to stay home; she was too protective for that. There was no way she was going to sit at home like some delicate flower that couldn't defend herself while they went off and possibly died. No, she was going. Wild horses wouldn't be able to stop her from joining them.

Dark green eyes met with blue as she locked gazes with her fair haired husband. “I'm going whether you like it or not and that's final,” her tone held no room for argument. Nell knew that wouldn't be enough to actually stop the argument as dwarves were known for their stubbornness and her husbands were no different. Her own stubbornness matched theirs and this argument could go on for sometime unless she found a way to outsmart them.

“You're not going,” they said at the same time. It wasn't odd for them to do this. Sometimes you would catch the three of them talking at once. It was what happened when people grew up together and spent almost every waking moment together.

Nell stood to her full height of four foot ten trying to look intimidating. “And just how do you two think you're going to stop me?” She quirked a brow and crossed her arms. “Unless you plan to tie me up and leave me and just hope someone finds me before I starve to death you have no choice, but to let me go.” She told them matter-of-factly. They looked to each other and then back to her. Neither could find a way to argue against her last point, but they both tried. They opened and closed their mouths multiple times looking like fish out of water.

With a smirk Nell turned away from them and began heading toward the bedroom to pack her bag. As far as she was concerned she had just won the argument. She grabbed her pack and began shoving clothes, a whetstone, herbs, oils, spare cloth, and a blanket inside. She wanted to be prepared for anything they may encounter. Just as she was putting her last tunic inside a hand landed on her shoulder.

“Fine you can come. But you get to be the one to tell Thorin why you're there.” Hazel eyes twinkled with mischief as Nell let out a groan. She loved Thorin like a father. He was a brave, strong, noble dwarf whom she had always looked up to. And while he supported her in everything she did, she knew he wouldn't be happy with her tagging along. Not because she couldn't defend herself and not because she was female. Simply because he was overprotective when it came to her.

Nell had lost her parents when she was young. Her mother had died from some type of illness when she was a babe and just before she entered her teenage years she had lost her father in the same mine collapse that had killed many other dwarves. That was when Thorin had taken her in and raised her like family. It was because of this that she knew he wouldn't be happy about her joining. She just hoped he wouldn't send her home. He was her king and if he ordered it she would obey.

“Didn't think about that did you?” The brunette in front of her asked. Nell’s only reply was to stick her tongue out at him. A deep laugh erupted from his chest that resonated around the bedroom. “No obviously I didn't,” Nell replied. That wasn't going to stop her though. She threw her last tunic in the bag and tied it up. “Alright so when do we leave?” She wanted to get on the road as soon as possible. The quicker they reached the Shire the sooner she could convince Thorin.

“I'm guessing the threat of Thorin didn't work?” a voice from the doorway came.

“Unfortunately not brother,” was the reply.

“I love Thorin and I respect him, but if you think for one second the threat of him will stop me from coming you are both wrong. I love you and I'm not being separated from you.” I looked between them as they had a silent conversation. Something they did often. And while she normally knew what was going on between them, this time Nell was at a loss.

“Well, Kili it looks like our wife is coming with us.” Fili shook his head with a sigh and began packing his own bag. Kili shrugged knowing they had lost and began getting his own things ready. They would be leaving first thing in the morning and they had already wasted enough time arguing when they should have been packing. In truth they weren't angry they had lost the argument. They didn't like the idea of being away from Nell either, but they loved her and wanted her safe. That was why they had tried to keep her at home. Now they would just have to do their best to keep her safe on the road.


Here is part 1 of my new series. Part 2 is already written and will be posted tomorrow. I have part 3 planned out, but would love to hear what you all think should happen. I plan to use the Hobbit storyline, but things can be changed up. Obviously when Thorin shows up things are gonna happen. So what do you think the dwarf king should do.

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