♡♥Night Battle♥♡

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♥Before we start, thank you for answering the ending question, I will do the Good Ending, thank you guys for your answers❤♥

♥Paintbrushes POV♥
As we got teleported, I saw a dark place, it was very dark I can barely see a thing, we fell on the dark ground, that hurt.. "Well well well, look who made it, Test Tube, Fan, And Lightbulb's Boyfriend" I blushed "Hey!" I yelled

Nightmare Bulb: "Haha I knew you would get offended, anyway I knew you would come here one day to get miss stupid personality"

Me: "Where is she?!"

Nightmare Bulb: "Oh your precious little bulb is here.. In the jail of darkness"

Fan: "Get her out!"

Test Tube: "She doesn't deserve this!!"

Normal Lightbulb: "HELP!!!"

Nightmare Bulb: "SHUT UP!! Ya know, you were too late ya know, my plan is unfolding perfectly, soon Light bulb will be gone and IM gonna be the new lightbulb! But, not as stupid and annoying as her! Soon I will be free and you, you will be separated from her! When she gets consumed by darkness, your memory of her will soon fade away, FOREVER!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Me: "No that will never happen! Light bulb will always be a part of our lives! Who gave you the right?!"

Nightmare Bulb: "Hmm... Well, look at fan and test tube, perfect for minions.. DEMONS!"

Night Fan & Blood Tube: "Yes, Queen?"

Test tube: "WHO ARE THOSE?!"

Nightmare Bulb: "Fan and Test Tube, meet your nightmare versions.. Night Fan and Blood Tube"

Fan: "They look scary.."


Me: "NO!!!"

♥Night Fan and Blood Tube fly to them and possess them♥

Nightmare Bulb: "Haha, always so satisfying to watch!"

Me: "You will never win!!"

Nightmare Bulb: "Oh Paintbrush, Paintbrush, Paintbrush, when will you learn evil always wins?"

Me: "They don't!!"

Nightmare Bulb: "Hah! Well your friends won't help you, they are mine now to control. And let me introduce you to another friend, Paintbrush, Meet Dark Brush. You nightmare version"

Me: "AH!"

Dark Brush: "Egh.. That is what you brought here?! Paintbrush? More like Paint Trash!"

Me: "Hey!!"

Nightmare Bulb: "Tsk Tsk Tsk, Paintbrush when will you ever learn? Evil won and you lost, and everything and everyone in your world, WILL. BE. GONE! Now it's time to feel the darkness, Dark Brush?"

Dark Brush: "With Pleasure.."

Me: "NO!!!"

♥As Dark Brush flied to me, a beam of light stopped him♥


♥I remember that voice.. She looks so familiar... Wait... That's.. PASTEL?!♥

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