Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to today’s discussion class,” Cherie Puttah said with a brilliant smile as she gazed at all the betas and omegas gathered in the hall in front of her. There had to be at least one thousand members in this zone alone and the omega was extremely proud of that.

There were over twenty zones in Sendorai alone, each zone holding about a thousand members which made the members of the Beta Omega Rights foundation over twenty thousand. And that was without counting the multitudes of weres that showed up for their yearly worldwide seminars, bi-yearly area seminars right down to the group discussion classes.

Most people thought Penelope Heatherton and her husband, Riles, where the ones that founded the organisation but the real people in the core of the organisation knew who exactly held the reigns.

Cherie’s smile was as fake as her grandmother’s wig as she pulled open a book she’d written herself on inequality, turning to a page and reading out the title, “Today’s topic of discussion is: Alphas and their superiority complex.”

The silence in the hall was almost tangible.

“We all know that in our universe, there is a hierarchy. Alphas are at the top, then comes the betas and then there are the omegas.” She paused dramatically and began walking around the stage she was on, one hand smoothing the invisible wrinkles on her pretty peach skirt suit. A tiny microphone was attached to her suit jacket close to her mouth so that her voice was heard clearly through the speakers in the hall. “But who are we kidding? Betas and omegas are practically equal. Alphas?” she scoffed. “Alphas on the other hand, think that they’re invincible.”

There was an expected cry of outrage and disagreement from the crowd, the reaction making Cherie smile genuinely this time. She held a hand up and they immediately silenced and not for the first time, Cherie felt a fissure of excitement shoot through her system at the power her hands held.

“But of course, we know that they’re not invincible by any means,” she continued, “Alphas are exactly like you and me. But while the gods blessed us with love for family and common decency, with intelligence, patience and virtue, alphas were cursed with rage and lack of conduct, with savage animal instincts and destructive personalities, they are the basest form of werekind, more animal than human as a matter of fact – and as the smarter gender of our species, we must take action against their brutality. Which is why you’re all here today.”

Murmurs of agreement and cheers rose up in the crowd and Cherie held up a slender hand again to silence them, pretending to smooth her auburn hair which was already in a tight little bun at the base of her neck and adjust her already perfectly arranged glasses on top of her nose.

“First off, we need to shut down their superiority complex – this inner desire they have to be better than everyone else,” there was an uproar of disagreement and Cherie chuckled daintily, “Yes, yes, you’re right. It is in fact, not a desire – they are born thinking they’re more deserving than the rest of us. How many alphas are put in higher positions because of their gender while the rest of us have to work our asses off? How many alphas get a say in issues concerning omega birth rights when the alphas themselves don’t even carry a womb? How many alphas have raped and disfigured us because they felt they were entitled? HOW MANY ALPHAS?”

By the time she’d reached the end, everyone in the hall was riled up, yelling and screaming their hate and anger towards the offensive gender, throwing their fists in the air to express their pain and agony.

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