Paying My Debt

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Ezra pov.
SABINE!!! I yelled. Vader sent her flying back into a wall knocking her unconscious. I got really mad and felt my eyes changes back to yellow. It was darkside but this time. I'll won't use it for evil. I'll use it to attack vader. I use the force and sent him fly.  I got up and reactivated my lightsaber.

YOU HURT MY SABINE AND NOW YOU WILL DIE!!! I Yelled at him. You brought this on yourself by letting her live. He said. I charge at him like a wild animal and went crazy. He was blocking my attacks but I was too fast. He miss one of my attacks and I cut his hand off with his lightsaber in it.

Ahhhhhh! He yelled in pain. Oh please like that really hurt you. Your hand is metal. You will pay for this my former apprentice. No it's is you that will pay. Making me turn on my friends, making me your servant of evil, making me torture my friends, Making me kill my master, and most importantly making fight the girl of my dreams. I said in anger.

It doesn't matter. You did it anyway and you enjoyed. Yes when I was evil but now I'm good and I don't enjoy it. Face it you wouldn't be nothing today if it wasn't for me. That's where your wrong. I am something. I'm ezra bridger a friend, a good hearted person, and also a jedi. And this is where I finish you.

And how are you going to that? He ask. LIKE THIS! I use the force with full power to push him off a chiff. He fell into lava and his body disappeare. Then my eyes turned back to normal. That's the last time you hurt anyone. Oh no sabine! I ran to her and pick her up. I got you. I said and started running back to the others.

Sabine pov.
I started to wake up. I felt like someone was carrying me. I open my eyes and saw ezra. Ez... Ezra. I said weakly. Don't worry sabine I got you. Your safe now. He said and we reach the others. Hera, zeb, and chopper ran up to us. Ezra we got a problem! Hera said. What is it? He ask. We can't self destruct the weapon. It's have to be done manually.

So what you are saying is that someone as to stay here and sacrifice theirselves? I ask. Yes. I'll do it. Ezra said. WHAT!!! We are yelled. Ezra you don't have to do this. Yes I do sabine. It's time I pay my debts. But ezra.. No it's time for me to pay the price.

Sabine no matter what's happens to me. No matter where I am. I'll always be with you. I started crying and I kiss him. He kiss me back and we broke apart. He gave me over to zeb so he can carry me back to the ghost. Hera hug him next. We just got you back and now you have to leave us again forever. She said.

I know. I'm going to miss you mom. Kid we won't forget you. Zeb said. Thank you zeb. We all left and headed back to the ghost.

Ezra pov.
I saw my friends and girlfriend leave for the very last time. I went to the control and place my hand on the button. I wait for hera word. Then it came. Ezra we're ready. She said. Ok I'm ready and guys before I go. I just want to say I love you guys. And we all love you ezra. They all said. Good bye my friends. Good bye ezra. I press the button and everything went dark.

Sabine pov.
NOOOOOOOOO! I yelled as saw the explosion. The hole inter building went up in flames and ezra was gone forever.

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