Judgement Day Part 2

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The next day
Kanan pov.
I was in the ghost with zeb and chopper in hyperspace on our way to save hera and sabine. Alright so everyone knows the plan? I ask. Yes while you go face the Sith lord. Me and chopper will save hera and sabine. Zeb said. Alright but I'm going to drop you guys off in the woods near the base so you can get to that door. While I go to the front of the base and your meet me there once you have them. Alright then.

Then ship drop out of hyperspace over the planet. Alright were here. Then we got a transmission. Imperial base to ghost you have been clear to land. Alright here we go. We got to the planet and flew over the woods. Ready zeb? Ready. I open the door and him and chopper to go.

Zeb pov.
Me and chopper jump out of the ghost and kanan flew away towards the front of the base. Let's go chopper. I said. Grrr grrr. He said back and we started walking.

5 minutes later
We made towards the back of the base and we saw two guards. I'll shoot these guys and we'll run up to the door and you plug in. I took out my bow rifle and shoot them both. Ok let's go. We ran to the door and chopper plug in. Alright chop find out where their holding them. I said. Grrr grrr.

What do you mean you can't find them. Never mind just get the door open we'll just find them ourselves. Chopper got the door open but when it open we saw troopers. No problem I can handle these guys. I was about to shoot but some came out the woods and stun me and chopper and we blackout.

Kanan pov.
I landed the ship in front of the base and walk out. There was no one here. Strange where is everyone? Then the front door open and it was him. I see that came. Finally after 6 weeks we can finish this once and for all. The sith lord said.

Fine you keep your end of the deal if I win. You give back hera and sabine and if I lose you keep them and have us as your prisoners. I said. A deal is a deal. I turn on my lightsaber and he did too. We ran up to each other and started clashing our lightsabers. You been practicing jedi. Yes so I can beat you.

He push me with the force and I fail on the ground. He jump in the air and flew through the air with his lightsaber ready to strike me. I got up and block him in the nick of time. Good but not good. We kept clashing and clashing. He was good but some the moves he was doing seem familiar.

Who is this guy? I got so distracted I didn't even notice he use the force and threw a box me and knocking me over. I fail again and my lightsaber fell out my hand. I try to pick it up but the sith lord got it before I did. I turn around and look at him and he had his lightsaber at my neck. Your defeated and your friends are mine forever.

No this wasn't supposed to happen. It did you fail as a master, you fail your friends, and most importantly you fail your padawan. He said. Never talk about him again. You guys kill him and I was to late. I said. If only that were true well the late part. What are you talking about? He pulled his hood down and took off his mask. I couldn't believe it. It was ezra and he was alive.

Dark ezra pov.
Ezra your alive? Kanan ask. The ezra you know is dead. Destroy by my darkness. I'm dark ezra now. No I don't believe that! Fight it ezra don't let the darkside take you over. It's too late. Then my troopers came in. Take him. I said. No you won't. He use the force to push me and troops back and took off running into the woods.

Find him but bring him back alive. I have to get ready for tonight's dead. Yes sir. They and move out. I walk back to prison cells to have a talk with sabine.

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