Chapter 1

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Naruto's pov

I walked into Dog's office and sat in the chair next to his. I reached into a drawer and pulled out my mask. It was a pure white mask that covered all of my hair and went down to my neck. I put it on as someone from my unit knocked on the door. "Enter." Anko walked in and bowed. "Good morning Angel. The Hokage requests you and Dog in his office for a mission." "Thank you. I will Get Dog." I jumped out of the window and spotted Dog helping an old lady cross the street. "Now your excuses are believable." I shushined by Dog and helped take the groceries to the ladies house. She rewarded us with something great. She gave Dog a complete collection of his pervert books and she gave me a sword. "This sword has been passed down, generation by generation. I am a little too weak to wield the sword. I would be most honored if you can wield it for me."


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I smiled under my mask and took the sword from her and strapped it on my back

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I smiled under my mask and took the sword from her and strapped it on my back. "Thank you for the gifts, ma'am, Dog and I have a mission from the Hokage. Have a wonderful evening." Dog and I shushined to the Hokage's office. "Hello Angel, Dog." "Anko said you have a mission for us." "Yes. The young Sasuke Uchiha is graduating the academy. You will be introduced as a transfer student from Suna. I have already agreed with the Kazekage. I want you to protect him and Dog you will be their Jōnin. Your team will be you, Sasuke Uchiha, and someone else." "Okay." I took out my mask letting my bright blonde hair spike into its natural position and Dog did the same. "Take care of my mask, Jiji." I left and Kakashi followed me. "So, Kakashi." "Yes, Naru?" I inwardly growled at the nickname. "Can I stay with you? You know the orphanage won't take me in." "Sure. Just gotta clean out a room. You go to the Academy tomorrow right?" "Yeah. Not looking forward to it. I prefer it when you're my teacher. Because then I'd learn something worth knowing." We walked into my new bedroom and I took off my wings stretched into their new found freedom. "Are your wings okay?" I moved my wings to where I can see them. "I guess so. " I helped Kakashi clean the room and set up a futon. "Naru, if you want a real bed, I can get you one." "It's fine. I prefer futons, than an actual bed in the long run." I laid down on my stomach and eyed the outfit I have to wear tomorrow. It was a hideous orange jumpsuit.

I woke up and noted the feathers on the ground. I dressed myself in the jumpsuit and strapped my sword on my back. With my strong bodybuild, the jumpsuit was snug. My wings were pressed against my back. "Lunar!" My best friend jumped through the window and sat on my futon.

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