2 - smoothie

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Yoongi looked at his kumamon stuffy, biting it's ear. A couple of hours later, sipping the strawberry smoothie.
Yoongi hadn't realised how long he has been in his studio. Ofcourse, his little side was to innocent to know.
Yoongi bit his stuffys ear and flinched when when he heard banging at the door. "Yoongi. Open up!" He heard the oldest one say. Yoongi jumped up, cleaning his little stuff mess. Locking the drawer. He hid the pacifier behind his speaker. Yoongi slowly opened the door. Staring into the eldest's eyes. He felt scared but he covered it up with tiredness that shot like a bullet through his body. "Do you realise that you have been gone for 6 hours?!" Jin spoke up, yoongi stammered. " i.. l..look.. I've been uhm... I haven't checked the time.." Jin pulled Yoongi out of his studio. "W..wait! Hyung where are we going?"Jin replied with a simple.
a drink containing numerous fruit or edible-items, all blended up.

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