June 26th, 9:43 am

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June 26th, 9:43 am

Last day of school, huh?

You know, for once, I don't want school to end.

Me neither.

It still feel unreal that you leave tomorrow.

Yeah... I know.

It still feels so unnatural that it just kinda ends there.

Exactly that how I feel

We won't be able to text in class like this anymore!

Are you kidding? Of course we'll still text in class! I'll just be in Seattle.

It's not the same.

I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to keep like, a happy face and be brave, but I don't really want to.

It's okay. You don't have to. But we'll make this work. I'm not leaving you just yet, if I have anything to say about it.

Ur parents got back yesterday, right?


Have they seen ur grades?

No, not yet. They're busy with getting all of our stuff on the trucks.

We'll be living in an empty house for like, a week. They literally are like, packing sleeping bags for us.


Well, I hope that goes well.

I doubt it, but thanks. I'm over it.

U sure?



This just, feels so weird. Like, ur leaving tomorrow. But... I'm not happy, but nothing like, bad has happened. It's like it's just... ending.

Yeah. But, I guess that's how real life goes.

It's not like in movies where there's like a big dramatic finish

Ya. One day, without any warning or suspense or build up

U just die

N-No, Virgil that's not what I meant...

Just like. "Boom sorry karen, ur dead af now"

"Someone should turn off that oven cause that's gonna get real bad, real quick"


Virgil no

Can u imagine? Ur just like cooking some like, ramen or something and then u just die. Like, no build up or cool last words or nothing. Just sorry ur fucked.

I guess that's real life tho.

Virgil... I don't even know...

Too dark?

Maybe a little!

I meant like, there's no like satisfying endings in life

Ya that's what I said


You know, I'm not going to argue with you.

That's probably a good idea.

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