January 10th, 9:14 pm

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January 10th, 9:14 pm


I need to talk to you.

Of course! Is everything okay?


What happened?

Logan got back today, and sat down with me after school to talk to me.


He broke up with me.

What??? Why!?

He said he didn't want to continue to lead me on when he didnt feel that way about me

He said it was more of a strong friendship, that he wanted to be love.

Does he have someone else?


U were right. He wouldn't do that.

So... what happened?

He's actually, uh... aromantic


Yeah. It's when you don't feel romantic attraction.

Oh I see

He said that he had never felt romantic love before, and when we got closer he assumed that he felt that for me, but really it's a strong platonic love. He apologized for keeping it going for so long, but he said he really did want to love me. He just... can't.

Oh. Well, at least he didn't cheat on you, right? And if he said he has strong platonic love for you, maybe you guys can still be friends?


I guess

It's just, even if he didn't love me, I love him

I know

It still hurts

I'm so sorry, Anx.

It's not ur fault

At least he came clean, right?

Prince, I appreciate that ur trying to help

But I'm not?

No not rly


It's fine

I wouldn't rly know what to say either

I'm sorry I should go

Are you sure?

Ya I'm fine

Anx don't say that, I know you're not.

I'm fine, really

I don't want to force you to talk about it if you don't want to. Just know I'm always here for you :)


Of course.

It'll be okay, I promise

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