Letter 1

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Dear Roxy,

                I never wanted this to hurt you. I never wanted you to be bothered with my problems. So I kept it all in. I bottled it all up. I’m sorry because of that. You have the right away before anyone. You were not only my best friend, but my support system. You always lite up the room with that smile. Those terrible jokes. And always telling me to stop cussing, remember? Cause I fucking don’t. See what I did there? I don’t think I’ll ever stop fucking swearing. I know something about you though. Don’t lose Mikey, he will always be there. Whether you want to believe it or not. There’s really nothing else to say already that you don’t know. You’re beautiful, inside and out. You are so incredibly strong, and with that sharp brain, well I’ll start calling you doctor.

                Love Always, Me

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